
WiN X64 VST | AudioZ Exclusive | 25.68 GB
Initial Audio proudly presents Heat Up 3. A major update to our hugely successful Heat Up 2 virtual instrument loved by music producers across the globe! The focus of Heat Up 3 is even better sound quality and much more expression to really bring out the best of each instrument. Heat Up 3 comes with over 860 instruments including a brand new expansion pack Studio Essentials.
Heat Up 3 comes as a VST plugin for Windows. Also included is a standalone app for both Windows so HeatUp 3 can be played without a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).
Win X64 VST Audioz独家25.68 GB
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Initial Audio Heat Up 3 ESSENTIALS BUNDLE WiN X64 VST
  • 发布时间:2018-12-24 14:27
  • 人       气:462
  • 回复数量:0


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