
FreeCAD是一个基于OpenCASCADE的开源CAD/CAE工具。 OpenCASCADE是一套开源的CAD/CAM/CAE几何模型核心,来自法国Matra Datavision公司,是著名的CAD软件EUCLID的开发平台。
可运行于 windows 以及 linux 系统环境下
FreeCAD是一种通用的3D CAD建模。发展是完全开源(GPL的LGPL许可证)。FreeCAD直接的目的是在机械工程和产品设计,也适合在更广泛的用途,如建筑或其他工程专业,工程周围。
FreeCAD具有类似CATIA,SolidWorks或Solid Edge的工具,因此也将类别的MCAD,CAX,PLM和CAE。这将是一个基于参数化建模功能与模块化的软件架构,这使得它易于无需修改核心系统提供额外的功能。
它配备了许多现代化的3D CAD建模有许多2D元件以绘制2D形状或提取的三维模型创建2D生产图纸的设计细节,但直接2D绘图(如AutoCAD LT中)是不是重点,也不是动画或有机形状(如玛雅,3DS MAX,Blender或4D影院),不过,由于其适应性广,FreeCAD可能成为有用在更广泛的领域比其目前的工作重点。
另一个FreeCAD主要关注的是使所有伟大的开源库,存在领域的大量使用科学计算。其中OpenCascade,一个强大的CAD内核,Coin3D,OpenInventor,Qt的,世界著名的UI框架和 Python ,提供最好的脚本语言之一的化身。FreeCAD本身也可以作为一个库使用其他程序。
FreeCAD也是完全多平台,目前运行在Windows和Linux / Unix和Mac OSX的系统,所有平台上完全相同的外观和功能与完美。
FreeCAD 0.15.4671 (x32/x64) | 167,19 Mb/192,87 Mb
FreeCAD- free access CAD, suitable for teaching computer graphics design. Relatively simple system for three-dimensional design, equipped with a means of modeling the movement. In addition to the design problems, the program is useful for the development of geometry, kinematics, dynamics, principles of design tools and simulation of physical processes. A feature is the presence of freeCAD motion simulation. Written in Smalltalk.
FreeCADis an open-source 3D CAD modeler that comes packed with many functions designed to help you create 3D CAD, MCAD, CAx, CAE and PLM projects.
Although it bundles many dedicated parameters for sketching 3D and 2D components, it sports a clean and straightforward interface.
The program allows users to import data from a wide range of file formats, namely DXF, BRP, DAT, SVG, MED, IGES, BMP, JPG, IFC, OCA, ASC, SVG, WRL, or others.
FreeCAD comprises various 2D drawing objects (e.g. 2-point lines, wires, circles, arcs, polygons, points), and gives users the possibility to move, rotate, scale, and edit the selected objects. Plus, you can add or delete points, create a polar or rectangular array from the selected objects, as well as clone the components.
When it comes to designing 3D objects, the utility provides several tools (box, cone, cylinder, sphere, torus), and you can modify these objects by using Boolean operations, fusing two objects, as well as cutting one object from another.
Other important features worth mentioning enable you to use the built-in Python console for creating or modifying the geometry of the components, record macros, work with multiple documents, and use the workbenches for accessing different set of tools easier (e.g. draft, image, or sketcher workbench).
Last but not least, FreeCAD provides tools for creating complex and solid parts, design triangle meshes, which can be modified, subdivided, or stretched, as well as set up a simulation environment with a robot and objects.
The 2D projects can be exported to SVG file format, while the 3D ones can be saved to POV format.
All things considered, FreeCAD proves to be a reliable graphics editor that can be used for creating mechanical engineering and product design projects.
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FreeCAD 0.15.4671 X32/x64
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-19 20:05
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