
WAV | 44,1 kHz / 24 bit - 722 MB
Prepare to enter what we’re calling a sample diggers dream! Jazz guitars is the first and last collection of jazz samples you’ll ever need for creating incredible jazz tinged hip-hop, laid back RnB, contemporary pop or anything that needs that touch of a live instrument. Created by the outrageously talented guitarist Artiom Krikunov, this truly bespoke jazz guitar sample pack has all the makings of an instant classic.
With a nod to classic Blue Note jazz, legendary beat makers Dilla & Madlib all the way to the modern legend that is Anderson Paak, this sample delight is just asking to be chopped, remixed and sampled in that classic hip-hop way.
From laid back licks to smokey chord progressions, late night melodies all the way to more modern RnB styles one thing remains a constant, just how talented Artiom really is with a guitar in his hand.
Recorded using a stunning Gibson ES-175, each loop beautifully encompasses the the true essence of jazz giving you instant access to a level of class, performance and style rarely seen in the sample world.
Tempos range from 80-130 bpm with loops spanning 2-16 bars you’ll find endless opportunity for putting your own spin on these beautiful jazz sample recordings. So, take this one for a spin and let us know how you get on, we just know you’ll love them as much as we do!
wav 44,1 kHz/24位-722 MB
准备好进入我们称之为“挖掘者梦想样本”的世界!爵士乐吉他是第一次也是最后一次收集爵士乐样品,你将需要创造令人难以置信的爵士色调嘻哈,悠闲的RNB,当代流行音乐或任何需要触摸现场乐器。这是一款真正定制的爵士吉他样品包,由才华横溢的吉他手Artiom Krikunov创作,具有瞬间经典的所有特质。
为了向经典的蓝调爵士乐致敬,传奇的节拍制作人Dilla&Madlib一直到现代传奇人物Anderson Paak,这个样品的乐趣只是要求以经典的嘻哈方式被切碎、重新混合和采样。
使用令人惊叹的Gibson ES-175录制,每一个循环都完美地包含了爵士乐的真正本质,让您可以立即进入一个在示例世界中很少见到的级别、性能和风格。
节奏范围从80-130 bpm,循环跨越2-16个小节,你会发现在这些美妙的爵士乐样本录音上你自己旋转的无限机会。所以,带着这个旋转一下,让我们知道你是如何发展的,我们只知道你会和我们一样爱他们!
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big0305 发表于 2021-6-14 13:32:07 | 只看该作者
Touch Loops Jazz Guitars WAV
Touch Loops Jazz Guitars WAV
  • 发布时间:2019-1-11 13:14
  • 人       气:613
  • 回复数量:1


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