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Heavyocity Media NOVO Modern Strings KONTAKT | 22.9 Gb
Recorded at the Eastwood Scoring Stage at Warner Bros. Studios, NOVO is a deeply-sampled orchestral strings instrument. Beyond the almost 40GB of production-ready sound-designed string samples, NOVO enables composers to "tweak, process, layer, and sequence like no strings virtual instrument ever has before", say Heavyocity.
Featuring over 21,000 samples, 300+ Kontakt Snapshots, and 400+ loops, NOVO is not just another strings VI. First, it's an organic Strings Ensemble instrument. Then there's a Hybrid Cinematic instrument sourced from those string samples. And finally, there's an added Loop Designer for instant inspiration.
With NOVO, Heavyocity also introduces the new CYCLE engine. The product of years of in-house development, CYCLE boasts a set of controls that can quickly create rhythmic pulses, swells, stutters, and glitch effects, as well as effectual granular-style pads for ambient drones and textures. Add subtle motion to a sustained pad, chain together long, evolving sequences, or completely transform a sound into glitchy mayhem. With independent controls over start, rate, and sample length – CYCLE offers vast sound design and sample layering capability.
String Revolution
With NOVO Modern Strings, Heavyocity had a vision: to give composers a toolkit with a potent fusion of deeply sampled orchestral strings and the company's superior trademark sound design. Recorded on the historic Eastwood Scoring Stage on Warner Brothers Studios' Burbank lot, NOVO goes way beyond what conventional orchestral virtual instruments offer, with a massive collection of endlessly tweakable sound-designed string samples and the ability to sequence, layer, and process them like never before. Used traditionally, you draw on the core of Modern Strings: a 50-piece string orchestra; violin, viola, cello, and bass ensembles, recorded to perfection. When you're ready to push the envelope, NOVO takes your orchestrations to the next level with the advanced hybrid cinematic elements you've heard on blockbuster film scores by top Hollywood composers like Danny Elfman and Hans Zimmer. However you use it, Heavyocity NOVO Modern Strings will have you running up the score right out of the box.
Inspiring, fast, and powerful
NOVO's vast library sounds awesome right out of the box, but when you're ready to roll up your sleeves and dive in deep, you're in for a treat. The productivity-enhancing interface is delightful and quick to navigate. Under the hood, Heavyocity's CYCLE dynamic playback engine enables a control set that lets you quickly craft swells, rhythmic pulses, stutters, and glitch effects, as well as granular pads for ambient drones and textures. CYCLE can add a sense of motion to a sustained pad, or completely transform a patch into glitchy pandemonium. You can even fashion long, evolving sequences by chaining up to eight patterns. Take it from Sweetwater: NOVO offers massive sound-design potential.
The all-powerful Macro Control
The secret to NOVO's potent sound-shaping capabilities is Macro Control, the prominent control knob for the String Designer and Loop Designer modules. You can assign it to control multiple parameters across each channel, including volume, pan, equalization, envelope, and various effects. Use the Macro sequencer to program swells, stutters, and sequenced effects for delicately evolving timbres or frenzied modulation. The presets come with their own unique sets of Macro knob assignments, so you can quickly tweak each sound to perfection.
Go instant Hollywood blockbuster with Loop Designer
Heavyocity's Loop Designer is a powerful tool that lets you deploy world-class production-ready sounds while enhancing your workflow and creativity. Loaded with over 400 loops arrayed across three individual channels, Loop Designer makes short work of sketching and cue building for your tight-deadline projects. With it, you can effortlessly craft multi-layer motifs, complex rhythms, and ambient textures consisting of NOVO's string and hybrid sound sources. Need more control? Sculpt each unique loop channel with independent control over start point, volume, pan, and tuning. Need help getting started on a cue? Loop Designer gets you up and running fast. For instant inspiration on your next cinematic score, reach for Heavyocity NOVO Modern Strings.
Heavyocity NOVO Modern Strings Features:
-  Recorded on the historic Eastwood Scoring Stage on Warner Brothers Studios' Burbank lot
-  A fusion of deeply sampled orchestral strings and advanced hybrid cinematic elements
-  A vast library of endlessly tweakable sound-designed string samples
-  Built on Heavyocity's powerful CYCLE dynamic playback engine
-  Quickly craft swells, rhythmic pulses, stutters, and glitch effects, as well as granular pads for ambient drones and textures
-  Macro Control consolidates NOVO's sound-shaping controls into one convenient knob
-  Loop Designer lets you deploy world-class production-r
Heavyocity 媒体诺现代弦乐 KONTAKT |国标
记录在华纳兄弟制片厂的伊斯特伍德得分阶段, 诺是一个深受采样的管弦乐弦乐器。除了几乎40GB 的生产就绪声音设计的字符串样本, 从头开始让作曲家 "调整, 处理, 层, 和序列像没有任何字符串虚拟仪器以前有", 说 Heavyocity。
具有超过2.1万样品, 300 + Kontakt 快照, 和 400 + 环路, 从头再来不仅仅是另一个字符串 vi。首先, 它是一个有机串合奏乐器。然后有一个混合的电影工具来源于这些字符串样本。最后, 还有一个附加的循环设计器, 即时灵感。
Heavyocity 还引入了新的循环引擎。多年来的产品内部开发, 循环拥有一套可以快速创建节奏脉冲, 膨胀, 断断续续, 和故障影响, 以及有效的颗粒状的环境无人机和纹理的控制垫。将微妙的运动添加到一个持续的垫, 链在一起漫长的, 进化的序列, 或完全转换成出问题的混乱。独立控制开始、速率和采样长度-周期提供了大量的声音设计和样本分层能力。
随着新的现代弦, Heavyocity 有一个愿景: 给作曲家一个工具箱, 具有强大的融合深度采样的管弦乐弦和公司的优越的商标声音设计。历史记录在华纳兄弟制片厂的伯班克地段, 诺伍德得分阶段, 超越了传统管弦乐虚拟仪器提供, 大量收集无休止的可调声音设计的字符串样本和能力, 序列, 分层, 并处理他们前所未有的。传统上使用, 你画的核心是现代弦: 一个50片断弦乐团;小提琴, 中提琴, 大提琴和低音合奏, 记录到完美。当你准备好推信封, 从头再拿你的业务流程到下一水平, 先进的混合电影元素你听到的热门好莱坞作曲家如丹尼艾弗曼和汉斯齐默。然而你使用它, Heavyocity 新的现代弦将让你跑出的得分的方块。
鼓舞人心, 快速, 强大
诺诺的广阔的图书馆听起来很棒的盒子, 但当你准备卷起你的袖子, 潜入深, 你是在治疗。提高生产率的界面是令人愉悦和快速导航的。在遮光罩下, Heavyocity 的循环动态回放引擎启用了一个控制集, 使您可以快速工艺膨胀、节奏脉冲、断断续续和毛刺效应, 以及用于周围无人机和纹理的粒状垫。循环可以增加一个运动的感觉到一个持续的垫, 或完全转换成出问题的混乱补丁。你甚至可以通过链接多达八种模式来时尚长的进化序列。从甜水: 诺提供了巨大的音响设计潜力。
诺诺强大的声音整形功能的秘诀是宏控制, 突出的控制旋钮为字符串设计器和环路设计器模块。您可以将它分配到控制每个信道的多个参数, 包括音量、平移、均衡、信封和各种效果。使用宏排序器程序膨胀, 断断续续, 和排序效果微妙演变的音色或疯狂调制。预设配有自己独特的集宏旋钮分配, 所以你可以快速调整每个声音的完美。
Heavyocity 的环路设计师是一个强大的工具, 让您部署世界一流的生产就绪声音, 同时增强您的工作流程和创造力。通过在三个单独的通道中排列的400循环, 循环设计器为您的紧限期项目进行素描和线索构建的简短工作。通过它, 您可以毫不费力地手工制作多层图案、复杂的节奏和由诺氏的弦和混合声源组成的环境纹理。需要更多的控制吗?雕刻每个独特的环路通道, 独立控制起始点、音量、平移和调谐。需要帮助开始线索?循环设计器使您快速运行。为瞬间的灵感, 你的下一个电影得分, 达到 Heavyocity 新的现代弦。
Heavyocity 新的现代弦乐特点:
·内置 Heavyocity 强大的循环动态回放引擎
·快速工艺膨胀、节奏脉冲、断断续续和毛刺效应, 以及周围无人机和纹理的粒状垫
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jonman 发表于 2018-11-5 19:27:49 | 只看该作者
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