Photoshop CC曲线使用
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  • 发布时间:2017-3-5 20:40
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Duration Project 2h Files Included MP4
Photoshop CC Working with Curves
Have you ever wondered how to use the curves adjustment in Photoshop? In this course, Photoshop CC Working with Curves, you’ll take an in-depth look at how a software program like Photoshop understands color. This foundation will help you gain a better understanding of how to manipulate color values in images using curves. You’ll also use curve presets and actions to batch process a set of poorly-lit product images. Finally, you’ll put all of your curves knowledge to the test in order to channel mask and composite a basic product image. At the end of this course, curves will no longer seem like a perplexing, abstract color adjusting tool, but rather, you’re best friend when it comes to image manipulation and adjustments. Software required: Photoshop CC.
持续时间项目2 h文件包括的MP4
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