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Heavyocity Media Ensemble Woods Collection KONTAKT | 1.26 Gb
Heavyocity Master Sessions: Ensemble Woods Collection gives you a scoring toolkit with 11 unique multi-sampled wood ensemble kits and more then 300 tempo-synced loops packed with percussive, woody goodness. Recorded in 6-player ensembles, Ensemble Woods enhances your sonic palette with a colorful selection of painstakingly sampled traditional and esoteric wooden objects and instruments. From struck acoustic guitars to bamboo rods to cajons, Ensemble Woods' percussive vitality will add a new layer of expression to your scores. Join the Sweetwater composers who are scoring with Heavyocity Master Sessions: Ensemble Woods Collection. You'll be glad you did.
Developed by the Heavy Melody Music & Sound Design group of composers, Ensemble Woods adds another percussive instrument to their Master Sessions line. Complete with a range of percussive tones and timbres, from expressive cracks to rounded low-end thumps, Master Sessions: Ensemble Woods is designed to place the character of percussive woods directly into the hands of the modern cinematic composer.
With 11 unique multi-sampled wood ensembles and over 300 tempo-synced loops, Ensemble Woods delivers 2+ GB of percussion content. The Heavyocity/Heavy Melody team returned to Bunker Studios in NYC, known for its soundscape, to capture instruments from cajons to bamboo rods to struck acoustic guitars, Ensemble Woods' percussive punch will add a new layer to your next score. The included content is complemented by a user interface featuring the Stage (Kits & Collection only), advanced Trigger FX and Heavyocity's signature Punish knob. With the proprietary Loop Mutator technology, users can sequence, re-compose and manipulate loops in new ways.
The amazing content of Heavyocity Master Sessions: Ensemble Woods Collection is divided into straight and triplet loops, which you can adjust and rearrange by slice with Heavyocity's onboard Loop Mutator. Heavyocity's powerful interface lets you easily shape and mix your sound with global effects (reverb, chorus, delay, and distortion), TriggerFX, per-instrument EQ, per-channel ADSR envelopes, and Heavyocity's famous Punish and Twist controls. Layer enormous kits with hybrid loops to build massive walls of percussion. Mix and match loop stems to create your own unique tempo-synced rhythms. With Heavyocity Master Sessions: Ensemble Woods Collection, you're limited only by your imagination!
-  2.01 GB uncompressed (1.39 GB on Disk with NI lossless compression)
-  48 Ensemble Kit Presets
-  6 Multi Presets
-  460+ Loops
-  The Stage for easy stereo placement
-  Playable Trigger FX? for real-time control
-  Loop Mutator for real-time re-composing of loops
Heavyocity 媒体合奏伍兹收藏 KONTAKT |1.26 gb
Heavyocity 大师会议: 合奏伍兹汇集为您提供一个计分工具箱与11独特的 multi-sampled 木合奏成套工具和更多然后300节奏同步的环路挤满了撞击, 伍迪善良。录制在6播放器合奏, 合奏伍兹提高你的声波调色板丰富多彩的精选传统和深奥的木制对象和仪器。从敲击声吉他到竹棒到 cajons, 合奏伍兹的撞击生命力将增加一个新的表达层的分数。加入甜水作曲家谁是得分与 Heavyocity 大师会议: 合奏伍兹收集。你会很高兴的。
由重的旋律音乐和酣然的设计小组开发作曲家, 合奏伍兹在他们的大师会议线增加另一冲击的仪器。完成与一系列撞击色调和音色, 从表现力的裂缝到圆形的低端捶, 大师会议: 合奏伍兹的设计, 将撞击的木材的特点直接进入现代电影作曲家手中。
与11独特的 multi-sampled 木合奏和超过300节奏同步环路, 合奏树林提供 2 + gb 的打击内容。Heavyocity/重型旋律团队返回到地堡在纽约市, 众所周知的声景观, 捕捉仪器从 cajons 到竹杆击中声学吉他, 合奏伍兹的撞击拳将添加一个新的图层到您的下一个得分。包含的内容是辅以一个用户界面的舞台 (套件和收集只), 高级触发器 fx 和 Heavyocity 的签字处罚旋钮。使用专有的环路转变器技术, 用户可以按照新的方式对环路进行序列、re-compose 和操作。
Heavyocity 大师会议的惊人内容: 合奏伍兹汇集被划分成平直和三重循环, 您可以调整和重新排列由切片与 Heavyocity 的板载循环转变器。Heavyocity 的强大界面让您轻松地塑造和混合您的声音与全球性的影响 (混响, 合唱, 延迟, 和扭曲), TriggerFX, 每仪器 eq, 每频道 ADSR 信封, 和 Heavyocity 著名的惩罚和扭曲控制。用混合循环层数庞大的工具包, 以构建巨大的敲击墙。混合和匹配回路的茎, 创造你自己独特的节奏同步节奏。与 Heavyocity 大师会议: 合奏森林汇集, 您仅受限于您的想象力!
· 2.01 gb 未压缩 (1.39 gb 磁盘上具有镍无损压缩)
· 460 + 环路
·播放触发 FX?实时控制
·环路转变器实时 re-composing 环路
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精彩评论 1

jonman 发表于 2018-11-5 19:19:55 | 只看该作者
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