音效下载Rigid Audio Berlin Lightyears KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2016-7-8 23:56
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Rigid Audio Berlin Lightyears KONTAKT | 720 Mb
LIGHTYEARS is your perfect trance companion. It comes with 65 instruments, suitable for all kinds of electronic music like trance, progressive trance, goa and the like.
What you get:
-  65 genre-specific instruments in 24 bit / 44 khz (840 MB)
-  10 Basses
-  2 Effects
-  10 Leads
-  7 Pads
-  6 Plucks
-  26 Processed Loops (polyphonically playable, tempo-synced)
-  4 Sequencer Patches
-  An easy-to-use 3D user interface with wood panels (Yeah!)
-  Onboard effects like Reverb, Delay and Convolution Reverb
-  60 Convolution Reverb Impulse Responses
-  8x Unison, Monomode w. Glide, LFO, Vowel Filter and more
-  The unique and powerful TRIQUENCER three-note sequencer
-  Saving and loading of sequencer patterns
-  Low CPU and memory hit
-  Instantly useable and inspiring sounds right at your fingertips
-  100% royalty free
- 65体裁特定仪器在24位/44千赫(840MB)
- 10低音
- 2影响
- 10线索
- 7垫
- 6牛筋
- 26处理循环(polyphonically播放,节奏同步)
- 4音序器补丁
- 易于使用3D用户界面与实木面板(耶 !)
- 板载影响喜欢混响、延迟和卷积混响
- 60卷积混响脉冲响应
- 8 x异口同声、单模w.滑翔,低频振荡,元音筛选器和更多
- 独特而强大的TRIQUENCER三个音定序器
- 保存和加载的音序器模式
- 低CPU和内存命中率
- 即时可用并鼓舞人心听起来是正确的在你的指尖
- 100%免版税
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