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  • 发布时间:2017-8-2 23:32
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Aria Sounds Aurora Choir KONTAKT | 6.21 Gb
The Aurora Choir is an elegant and powerful choir sample library for Kontakt, and represents somewhat of a milestone for Aria Sounds, being the culmination of many hours of work, study and tweaking. The library contains both Sopranos and Altos (separate instruments for maximum control), and has an absolutely stunning legato tone. On top of this, it has short syllables, arranged into a very conveniently playable sequencer. Simple arrange your phrase in the sequence, and play away - the choir will automatically sing the syllables you enter.
Multiple Legato Modes at Multiple Dynamics
The choir contains four true legato modes (ah, eh, ih and oh) sampled at multiple dynamic layers, giving a total of EIGHT true sampled legato sets, for absolute realism and variation. On top of this, there are a total of twenty four different syllable shorts, sequence-able in the GUI, each sampled at three dynamic layers, giving a total of 72 variations per short note!
Four Mic Positions (48kHz / 24 Bit)
The choir was recorded in a mid sized hall, for a pristine and clear sound, with four mic positions used to ensure that no part of the vocalists' glorious sound was wasted. Choose from, or create your own personal blend from the four available positions. The positions are ordered from closest to furthest, and you even have the option between close condenser mics, and close ribbon mics (for a darker and warmer sound). If an even more reverberant sound is what you are after, there is a reverb slider on the interface, and you'll also be pleased to know that this library takes external reverb very well.
咏叹调的声音|极光合唱团Kontakt 6.21 GB
四话筒的位置(48千赫/ 24位)
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