Xfrog 花卉模型库
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  • 发布时间:2015-8-4 18:32
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Xfrog Libraries - Flowers,Xfrog 花卉模型库。包括:Flowers 1,Flowers 2,Flowers 3 等3张DVD,囊括了60种300个不同形状的花卉植物模型。Flowers 1 contains 3D flower models of 20 species from around the   world. Each species includes 3 variations in age, shape and color for a   total of 60 highly detailed, fully textured 3D models. Use   XfrogPlants Flowers 1 to populate your digital gardens and create   stunning virtual landscapes. This library complements XfrogPlants   Flowers 2 and XfrogPlants Flowers 3: Together, these libraries contain   300 high quality 3d flower models.Flowers 2 contains 3D flower models of 20 species from around the   world. Each species includes 3 variations in age, shape and color for a   total of 60 highly detailed, fully textured 3D models. Use   XfrogPlants Flowers 1 to populate your digital gardens and create   stunning virtual landscapes. This library complements XfrogPlants   Flowers 1 and XfrogPlants Flowers 3: Together, these libraries contain   300 high quality 3d flower models.Flowers 3 contains 3D flower models of 20 species from around the  world. Each species includes 9 variations of the plant for a total of  180 highly detailed, fully textured 3D models. Use XfrogPlants Flowers 3  to populate your digital gardens and create stunning virtual  landscapes. This library complements XfrogPlants Flowers 1 and  XfrogPlantsFlower 2: Together, these libraries contain 300 high quality  3d flower models.
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