《 Illustrator CC 一对一进阶训练视频教程》英语版
  • 发布时间:2014-1-2 20:55
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本教程是由Lynda机构出品的Illustrator CC 一对一进阶训练视频教程,Lynda.com Illustrator CC One-on-One Intermediate,时长:11小时39分,大小:3.29 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Illustrator CC,作者:Deke McClelland,官方发布时间:2013年8月22日,语言:英语。
Lynda.com Illustrator CC One-on-One Intermediate
Learn how to take advantage of the next level of dynamic features in Adobe Illustrator CC. This installment of industry expert Deke McClelland’s Illustrator One-on-One series starts by showing you how to effectively manage layers, clipping groups, and swatches, so that you can easily swap out colors and content. Deke then explains how to create customized strokes and patterns and build complex gradients with transparency and dynamic effects, and then apply these features to paths, groups, and editable text to create professional-quality artwork. He also highlights some of the most popular features in Illustrator: Live Paint and all ten of its Pathfinder operations. The final chapters show how to prepare your projects for print and save them for distribution on the web.
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