3DMotive – Introduction to Unreal Engine 4 Volume 3
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  • 发布时间:2014-2-9 05:58
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3DMotive – Introduction to Unreal Engine 4 Volume 3
Ever wanted to get into Unreal Engine 4 and unsure where to start? Introduction to Unreal Engine 4 is a course that was created with new starters or those wanting to learn the engine in mind! This 3 volume course will go over many helpful tools to know during your time in the Unreal Engine. In volume one, we will look at downloading the Unreal Engine, then moving onto how to start a new project we will look over the entire UE4 interface. Finally we will move onto modes inside of UE4 such as the Placement and BSP mode. Volume two will look into the paint, landscape, foliage mode. Then we will move onto lights, post-processing and fog. Finally in volume two we will look at creating materials. And volume three is about Persona and Animation Blueprints, then looking at sounds and what we can do with them. In addition, we will also cover Cascade and creating cinematics as well as packaging a project.
3DMotive— —虚幻引擎4卷3简介
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