
unEarthed Sampling Bowed Fences KONTAKT | 83.4 MB
Inspired by the tonal work of artist Jon Rose, we went out into the middle of nowhere in south Texas and took a cello bow to a handful of old barbed wire fences. The end results are delightfully spooky and perfect fodder for your next sci fi or horror score! These recordings are so hardcore, that our cello bow is now completely ripped to shreds.
The 3 main patches consist of unique one shot recordings all of which vary in length and timbre. The DRONES PATCH contains grisly low end material, the WHINES PATCH contains higher pitched scream like material, and the HITS PATCH contains various metal fence poles and wire which we hit with the bow while recording. The HITS PATCH has 6 unique hits all with 4 x RR! As a bonus, we processed the heck out of these recordings by mangling their speed, EQ, and timbre to create a series of 14 processed PAD patches which would accomodate making creepout / tension beds. These all loop with a low pass filter mapped directly to the mod wheel, the timbre of these can totally change at the flick of a finger. In addition to the processed PADlike material, we also included a series of 5 percussive / impact patches which are well suited for accent or trailer hits. The GUI is highly tweakable as you have direct access to the Lo, Mid, and Hi EQ, Pitch, Reverb (with 13 original IRs), and a GRIT knob for distortion.
unearthed采样bowed篱笆墙接触| 83.4 MB
独特的3主补丁包括一个镜头,记录所有长度和不同的音色。在无人机的补丁包含grisly低端材料补丁包含高等pitched呜咽哭泣,尖叫声和打补丁样材料,包含各种金属围栏和打击极丝弓是在记录我们的酒店。安切洛蒂的命中命中所有的补丁4 x 6独特的RR。作为一个后处理的奖金,我们的论文通过处理从录音速度,情商,和音色来创建一系列的补丁,这将可以容纳14处理的垫床的制作creepout /拉伸。论文的一个低通滤波器的所有环模轮直接映射到CAN,音色变化在全学院电影一手指。除了我们的padlike处理材料,包括一系列的补丁,这是5冲击/碰撞或拖车的口音很好打。高度可调的GUI是一个为你直接进入低,中,和高的情商,音高,混响(与原始13旋钮和一砂,IRS)的失真。
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unEarthed Sampling Bowed Fences KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2014-8-2 21:35
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