
ALFiSO | 14-07-2004 | 2.8GB
Ethno World Volume 2 contains seventy very rare and historical ethnic instruments from all over the world. It sets new standards in sound quality and in the technical playing styles of ethnic instruments. Within almost 3 Gigabytes of sample material, you will find instrument sounds in a variety of playing styles, loops in different tempi, licks and a huge selection of special effects.
The instruments are divided into the following seven groups: bowed instruments, stringed instruments, woodwind and brass, bell type instruments, key instruments, world percussion and world drums. Almost all instruments were recorded in stereo with different velocities. In the main program most of the instruments are equipped with dimension keys. Via keys they let you select the different playing styles of the instrument. Some of the instruments (e.g. the Erhu) are programmed with up to 12 dimension keys and playing styles. In addition there are different loops, licks and effects in different tempi for all instruments. The instruments are from all over the world: Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. Ethno World Volume 2 can be used in many different styles like folk, mainstream, film scores, avantgarde, ethno music and pop/rock music.
The extraordinary Ethno World 2 audio demo takes you on a trip around the world. Go on board and enjoy your flight!
阿尔菲索|2004/7/14|2.8 GB
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