
非常好用的 Microsoft Visual Studio 插件,自动识别各种关键字,系统函数,成员变量,自动给出输入提示,自动更正大小写错误,自动标示错误,等等。在Visual Studio .NET 2005 中, 支持 C/C++, C#, ASP, Visual Basic, Java 及 HTML; 在 Visual C++ 6.0 and 5.0 中支持 C 和 C++ 的编程。
Whole Tomato Visual Assist X 10.x | 17.4 MB
Visual Assist has a wealth of features to enhance developer productivity. If you know your way around Microsoft Visual Studio, especially if you know its boundaries, you’ll find Visual Assist to have features you wish were standard in the IDE. This extension makes the IDE phenomenal.
If you're already a fast coder, a wee bit set in your ways, and skeptical of plug-ins and extensions, you'll really appreciate the understated interfaces of Visual Assist. This product doesn't get in your way.
If you cringe at the thought of another parser running as you edit, you'll be impressed with the speed of Visual Assist. This plug-in doesn't consume resources just to tell you you've violated a formatting standard.
Generate Code Faster
Generate code faster than you think possible, even if you use just a handful of the features in Visual Assist. As soon as you're a proficient user, share with us ways to improve Visual Assist so you're even faster.
Navigate Quickly
Move about your code with newfound ease—to any file, method, symbol, or reference in your projects and solutions. Get anywhere from anywhere. Let Visual Assist remember where everything is.
Refactor Easily
Reduce the complexity of your code, improve its readability, and make it extensible without changing its external behavior. Refactor legacy code, code you inherit, or the first version of your own work.
Coding Assistance
Write code faster with assistance that doesn't get in your way, especially when you're on a roll. Visual Assist suggests completions only if they save you serious typing, and quietly fixes mistakes in your wake.
Understand Immediately
Make sense of complex code, or code you haven't touched in a long time, with an assortment of tool windows, browsers, and fields that provide information where and when you need it.
Tool Windows
View code from 30,000 feet, and rearrange it so it's easier to understand and maintain. Tool windows in Visual Assist combine the best features of IDE tool windows, with a code outline, hovering class browser, and header browser.
Code Snippets
Expand frequently typed segments of code with a more powerful version of the like-named feature in the IDE. Include symbols from the current context, prompt for user input, and edit snippets in a custom editor.
Correct Automatically
Watch Visual Assist correct mistakes as you make them, especially errors in symbol case and pointer notation. Type entirely in lower case, and watch Visual Assist correct the case of all of your symbols. Save the shift key for your definitions.
Adjust the multitude of features in Visual Assist to suit your programming environment and habits. Find your favorite features, and make them hum for maximum productivity.
OS- Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
收藏0 0 反对0
Whole Tomato Visual Assist X 10.9.2094 Build 2016.03.25
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