Unreal Engine 4游戏开发完整初学者课程视频教程 2.5GB
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  • 发布时间:2018-4-12 07:35
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MP4 | 视频:1920x1080 | 音频:,AAC,254 kbps,2 Ch | 持续时间:9小时51分钟| 语言:英语| 2.5 GB
使用最先进的游戏设计软件开发游戏,并在最先进的3D游戏引擎上运行它们。虚幻引擎多次获得各种组织的“最佳游戏引擎”奖,包括“发展行业卓越奖”和“游戏开发者杂志”。虚幻引擎已经被用来开发许多重磅游戏和游戏系列,包括Borderlands,Gears of War,BioShock,Mass Effect等等。多年来,虚幻引擎只适用于大型公司,但从2015年开始,虚幻引擎4现在完全免费使用,只要您同意向Epic Games支付5%的游戏销售额。在本课程中,您将学习使用虚幻引擎4进行游戏开发的基础知识。在课程结束时,您将从头开始构建整个演示游戏。在这个课程中,您将学习使用虚幻引擎4进行游戏开发的基础知识!本课程的第一部分将帮助您启动并运行虚幻引擎4,并将向您介绍使用引擎进行游戏开发的基本概念。接下来,您将学习制作漂亮环境以进行游戏的所有技能。然后,您将学习如何为游戏编写逻辑脚本,以便定义游戏规则和行为,跟踪健康和库存等数据,并创建可玩的角色。您将了解碰撞和损坏,任何动作游戏的关键概念。您将学习如何使用UMG编辑器创建用户界面,这样您就可以在游戏中添加菜单,加载屏幕和HUD等内容。最后,您将了解音频如何在引擎中工作,以便您可以添加音乐,对话,和你的游戏的声音效果。完成课程后,您将掌握将游戏创意转化为可玩游戏所需的技能,这些游戏使用您雕刻的环境和您定义的逻辑,并且您将了解如何在虚幻引擎4中制作游戏。
MP4 | Video: 1920×1080 | Audio: , AAC, 254 kbps, 2 Ch | Duration: 9 hrs 51 mins | Language: English | 2.5 GB
Learn video game development and how to design a game from scratch using UE4
Develop games using cutting-edge game design software and run them on a state-of-the-art 3D game engine. The Unreal Engine has won the “Best Game Engine” award several times from various organizations, including the Develop Industry Excellence Awards and Game Developer Magazine. The Unreal Engine has been used to develop many blockbuster games and game series including Borderlands, Gears of War, BioShock, Mass Effect, and hundreds more. For years, the Unreal Engine was only affordable for large companies, but starting in 2015, Unreal Engine 4 is now completely free to use, as long as you agree to pay Epic Games 5% of your game sales. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of game development using the Unreal Engine 4. By the end of the course, you will have built an entire demo game from scratch. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of game development using the Unreal Engine 4! The first part of the course will help you get the Unreal Engine 4 up and running and will introduce you to the basic concepts of game development using the Engine. Next, you will learn all the skills you need to craft beautiful environments to stage your games in. Then, you will learn how to script logic for your games so you can define game rules and behaviors, keep track of data such as health and inventory, and create playable characters. You will learn about collisions and damage, key concepts for any action game. You will learn how to create user interfaces using the UMG Editor, so you can add things like menus, load screens, and HUDs to your game. And finally, you will learn how audio works within the Engine so you can add music, dialogue, and sound effects to your game. Upon completion of the course, you will have the skills necessary to translate ideas for games into playable games that use environments you sculpt and logic that you define, and you will understand how to make a game in Unreal Engine 4.
What You Will Learn
Learn game development, create games, and run them on the Unreal Engine 4
Build realistic looking environments for games to take place in
Define custom inputs and movements to control characters
Script logic to define gameplay without needing to know how to code
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mmbk007 发表于 2020-3-26 21:54:23 | 只看该作者
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wetnight 发表于 2021-6-29 21:06:45 | 只看该作者
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