凤凰Phoenix电影修复软件Digital Vision Phoenix 2016.1.046 Win x64 免费下载
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凤凰Phoenix电影修复软件Digital Vision Phoenix 2016.1.046 Win x64 免费下载
Digital Vision Phoenix 2016凭借超过25年的图像处理经验,Digital Vision为胶片和胶带内容恢复,重新制作和存档提供领先的解决方案。
Phoenix旨在快速生成良好的结果,减少手动干预。 使用熟悉的基于时间轴的界面,艺术家和档案管理员可以轻松地查看和修饰上下文中的缺陷。
使用Phoenix电影和视频恢复解决方案及其屡获殊荣的DVO图像处理软件工具,意味着您永远不必妥协图像质量。 通过基于文件的自动化和半自动化恢复功能,提高操作员效率,唯一的决定是,哪个产品为手头的任务提供了正确的功能水平。
With over 25 years experience in image processing, Digital Vision provides the leading solutions for film and tape content restoration, re-mastering and archive.Phoenix film restoration software
The Phoenix suite of products offers world class restoration tools for the most demanding jobs, and features our multiple award-winning DVO technology.
Phoenix is designed to produce great results fast with less manual intervention. With a familiar timeline based interface, the artist and archivist can easily review and retouch defects in context as required.
Using the Phoenix film and video restoration solutions with its award-winning DVO image processing software tools, means you never have to compromise on image quality. With automated and semi-automated file-based restoration features for greater operator efficiency, the only decision to be made is which product provides the right level of functionality for the task in hand.
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