三维虚拟现实可视化建筑实时渲染软件修复版Twinmotion 2016 Edition jgstrydom (Fixed)
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  • 发布时间:2018-1-15 03:21
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Twinmotion 2016新功能介绍视频:

三维虚拟现实可视化建筑实时渲染软件Twinmotion 2016 Edition jgstrydom (Fixed),再次感谢Amon^Ra大神和jgstrydom的分享
其非凡的响应能力允许项目的集成到一个动态的生态系统和新领域的实验和帮助设计、共享和交流任何项目。此外,在几秒钟,您可以导出图片和卓越的视频品质,而传统的软件需要几个小时。如果你是配备了一个3 d屏幕,享受惊人的3 d立体现实的经验通过动用你的项目。
它能够从所有当代建模者和导入3 d模型技术的创意和视觉表现让Twinmotion最前沿的3 d仿真器。
Twinmotion 2016新功能:
创建项目过程中,您不仅仅可以从 Twinmotion 的地形库中选择需要的地形,也可以直接导入地形模型。无论是点云数据还是三维网格,它都可以自动转换为您可以自由编辑,雕刻,涂色和添加植被的 Twinmotion 地形。
Twinmotion 2016的资源库中添加了更加真实的材质,丰富多样的物件,植物,自行车路径和新的动画物件(例如水上的船只摇摆,起重机搬运物体等等),还加入了一个新的素材分类:瀑布和喷泉。
Twinmotion 和 BIMmotion 不仅可使用鼠标和键盘进行导航,现在还加入了游戏手柄支持。XBOX 360, XBOX ONE, THRUSTMASTER, LOGITECH, 和 PS4皆可与之对接。
Twinmotion 2016安装方法
1.安装twinmotion 2016 ,打开Twinmotion 以试用模式,操作一下,然后关闭
2. 复制里面的全部文件到安装目录 /bin,覆盖
3. 更改 tmlic.txt为 "20151109",这个对应你安装的时间,如今天是20151109
4. 运行Twinmotion-JGS.exe
5. 恭喜你,破解成功
1. Download the installer and install Twinmotion.
2. Open up the /bin folder, then copy and paste the following files
supplied with this crack distribution to this (/bin) folder:
* Twinmotion.exe (over-write the existing copy);
* Twinmotion-JGS.exe;
* RunAsDate.exe;
* tmlic.txt (very important..more on this in the next step)
3. Scenario 1: I am assuming that you have already played around with the demo and still have days remaining on your trial license when reading this. If this is the case, open up tmlic.txt in Notepad/any  text editor. You will see the value "20151108" in this file. Now what you need to do is delete this and use today's date (the date you are reading this). Example: if you read this on November 15, 2015 then you will type 20151115. Ensure that there are no leading nor trailing spaces. Then save the file. Ensure the name is tmlic and the file extension is txt (hence: tmlic.txt). Remember the format of the date is YYYYMMDD (DD=2 digit day value, MM=2 digit month value, YYYY= 4 digit year value). The date must always be 8 digits long!
Scenario 2: I am assuming that you have already played around with the demo and don't have days remaining on your trial license when reading this. If this is the case, open up tmlic.txt in Notepad/any text editor. You will see the value "20151108" in this file. Now what you need to do is delete this and use the last date you can remember when the app was still working (in trial mode). Of course if you can't remember the exact date - then you will have to do this by trial and error. If the app just exits on Import/Ouput - then it's not a valid date. Keep trying! Example: if today is November,12 but your trial timed out 5 days ago, then the date you should try is 12-5=07,you will type 20151107. Ensure that there are no leading nor trailing spaces. Then save the file. Ensure the name is tmlic and the file extension is txt (hence: tmlic.txt). Remember the format of the date is YYYYMMDD (DD=2 digit day value, MM=2 digit month value, YYYY=
4 digit year value). The date must always be 8 digits long!
4. Once you have done the above. You are good to go!
5. Enjoy

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