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Lynda - Shooting a Photo Essay: Documenting an Event
Size: 1.15 GB | Duration: 1h 1m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch
Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English
Whether you're photographing your kid's birthday party, a company event, or a political rally, the right gear and approach can help you capture personalities and special moments. In this course, follow Paul Taggart as he shares techniques for shooting a photo story about an event—in this case, a youth ice sculpting competition in the snowy wilderness of Fairbanks, Alaska. Paul shows how to document the early stages of an event, photograph people and moments at an event in full swing, and wrap up your shoot by capturing the last moments of an event. To wrap up, watch Paul photograph a bonus event—the changing colors of the Aurora Borealis.
Topics include:
* Documenting the early stages of an event
* Interviewing an event employee for access and info
* Photographing people and moments at an event
* Photo gear tips for a cold weather event
* Adding final finishing photos for an event story
大小︰1.15GB|持续时间︰1 h1 m|视频︰AVC(.mp4)1280 × 72030fps|音频︰AAC48 KHz2 通道
是否你正在拍摄你的孩子的生日聚会、公司事件或一次政治集会,正确的齿轮和方法可以帮助您获取的个性和特殊的时刻。在此过程中,按照保罗塔他分享技术的射击事件的照片故事— — 在这种情况下,青年冰雕刻竞争在阿拉斯加的费尔班克斯白雪皑皑的原野。保罗显示如何记录事件、人进行拍照和事件如火如荼,时刻的早期阶段和总结你的拍摄通过捕获事件的最后时刻。总结,看看保罗照片奖金事件 — —北极光的改变颜色。
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