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Duration 4h 22m Project Files Included MP4
Professional Watercolor Renderings Using Photoshop and Revit
As a BIM professional, sometimes you need to work with non-photorealistic renderings into your work. In this course, Professional Watercolor Renderings Using Photoshop and Revit, you’ll learn the process of integrating non-photorealistic watercolor painting techniques using Photoshop and Revit. First, you’ll learn how to export Revit views and how to use the action scripts created by Robert Ardill to prepare Photoshop for creating realistic watercolor effects. Then, you will learn how to use various painting methods to create sky effects, landscape elements, and how to create hand drawn lines. Finally you’ll learn how to convert photos of people and vehicles to hand drawn illustrations, and how to create a professional quality watercolor renderings of Revit models. By the end of this course, you’ll know all of the steps that are necessary to create hand crafted and professional looking watercolor renderings of your Revit projects. Software required: Photoshop, Robert Ardill Plugin and Action Scripts.
持续时间4 h22 m项目文件包括的MP4
作为专业的BIM,有时你需要努力与非真实感渲染到您的工作。在此过程中,专业水彩渲染使用Photoshop和Revit,您将学习整合非真实感的水彩绘画技法使用Photoshop和Revit的过程。首先,您将学习如何导出Revit意见以及如何使用操作脚本由罗伯特 ·阿迪尔准备Photoshop创建逼真的水彩效果。然后,您将学习如何使用各种绘画方法来创建天空效果、景观元素,以及如何创建手绘线条。最后,您将学习如何将人和车辆的照片转换为手绘插图,以及如何创建专业质量Revit模型的水彩渲染图。本课程结束时,你会知道所有所创建手工制作所需的步骤和你Revit项目专业看水彩效果图。所需软件︰Photoshop、罗伯特 ·阿迪尔插件和操作脚本。
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