Cyberlink Director Suite 2.0
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  • 发布时间:2015-9-4 22:14
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Cyberlink Director Suite 2.0创意导演组合包 2是一套全方位的影音创作解决方案,一次囊括了四套获奖连连的多媒体创作软件:威力导演 12、ColorDirector 2、AudioDirector 4以及PhotoDirector 5 (亦称「相片大师」),提供各层级创作者在视频剪辑和相片编修上,全面性的完美整合与使用体验。
创意导演组合包2更支持各软件功能以无接缝式的操作流程,让您的视频、相片及音效创作一气呵成,流畅不间断!Director Suite 2 includes 4 award-winning media creativity applications - PowerDirector 12, ColorDirector 2, AudioDirector 4 and PhotoDirector 5, offering the most complete, video and photo editing solution designed for creative experts. With round-trip-editing support, the 4 applications in Director Suite work seamlessly with each other, providing the smoothest post-production environment for pro users.
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