Power SubD-NURBS 2.1 for MODO 801 WinMac
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  • 发布时间:2015-7-5 23:28
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Power SubD-NURBS 2.1 for MODO 801 WinMacPower SubD-NURBS modo 是一个革命性的产品,它从根本上改变了艺术家,工程师和设计师共同在3D世界中协作的方式。
Power SubD-NURBS modo 联合Sub-D细分建模和CAD 基于NURBS 建模的各种建模方式。Power SubD-NURBS modo能快速准确地转换的Sub-D模型到基于NURBS的格式,可以方便地与CAD系统和CAD建模操作界面结合。现在,您的工作流程可以结合 Sub-D建模的概念设计过程与CAD操作的设计,分析和制造的设计Power SubD-NURBS modo (patent pending) is a revolutionary product that will fundamentally change the way that artists, engineers and designers work together in the 3D world.
Power SubD-NURBS modo unites the diverse modeling paradigms of Sub-D (Subdivision Surface) modeling and CAD (NURBS-based) modeling. Power SubD-NURBS modo quickly and accurately converts Sub-D models into a NURBS-based format that can easily interface with CAD systems and CAD modeling operations. Now your work flow can combine the conceptual design process of Sub-D modeling with the engineering, analysis, and manufacturing design process of CAD operations. Power SubD-NURBS modo is the powerful enabling tool that forges that important missing link between the two modeling paradigms.
Power SubD-NURBS modo can convert virtually any Sub-D model (even SubD models that have some triangles) into a precise NURBS representation that can be read into virtually any CAD system.
Power SubD-NURBS modo creates high quality surfaces, which accurately interpolate the vertices of the original Sub-D mesh.
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