Ableton Build and Drop v1.1 ALP-DECiBEL
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  • 发布时间:2018-5-24 12:17
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Team DECiBEL | 03 Jul 2018 | 596.1MB
Build and Drop is loaded with ecstatic leads, enveloping bass, slamming drums and a range of rises, sirens and sounds effects. The curated sounds and presets inside are a creative toolbox for creating the irresistible anticipation and release this music uses to keep the party going.
Developed by Ableton in collaboration with sound designers including Mindflux, Lukas Lyrestam and Peter Brown, this curated collection puts everything you need to create tracks in one place. Drum Racks are packed with driving drums and percussion letting you craft new club anthems without interruption to your creativity. A wide selection of Instrument Racks delivers cutting basses, suspenseful rises, rushing effects.
Also included are over 250 audio loops and MIDI clips ranging from bass and synth phrases to build-ups and full beats carefully selected to spark your imagination, kickstart your tracks and add life and detail to your production.
Designed for flow
The Pack is set up for sparking ideas and keeping you in your flow. Eight Macros are carefully set up for creative tweaking and sound design for each instrument—especially from Push. Use the effects chains in the included Drum kits and Instrument Racks to turn your low end from big and boomy to focused and tight, and much more.
Pack contents
140+ Instrument Racks
15 Drum Racks
250+ audio loops and MIDI clips
8 Effect Racks
Samples provided by Cluster Sound, MVP Loops, Florian Meindl, Samplephonics, Sonic Faction and Uppercussion
This Pack is part of a series inspired by our favorite music and created by Ableton in collaboration with leading sound designers.
31 Live Clips, 188 Presets, 1 Live Sets
Installation size: 870.38 MB
Download size: 596.1 MB
Live 10 Intro (version 10.0 or higher)
团队| 2018年7月| 596.1mb 03分贝
建立和下拉is loaded with ecstatic导致包络slamming drums,低音,和范围的影响sirens of上升,和声音。the curated声和预置在工具箱for creating the创意是irresistible预期和释放uses to keep this音乐党了。
在合作与开发模式ableton音效设计师包括mindflux lyrestam &布朗,卢卡斯,其作用是向这一切You need to curated收集在一个地方形成轨道。鼓是与驱动drums racks填充和保持你percussion新工艺anthems俱乐部没有中断你的创造力。在racks selection of(宽delivers basses模切,suspenseful起来,冲的影响。
也包括是音频和MIDI剪辑过250环范围从低音到建立和synth:UPS和全carefully selected to your beats的想象力的火花,你的生活和kickstart tracks to your add和生产细节。
is for the集包上保鲜你的思想和你的火花型流。第八集宏carefully弹出声音设计和创意tweaking for for each from especially型推。在the included the影响使用链和鼓包(racks把你从低端到大和boomy至上和致密,和很多更多。
racks 15鼓
250 +音频和MIDI剪辑环
8 racks effect
samples MVP模式集群环提供的声音,声波,samplephonics Florian,Meindl),faction和uppercussion
This is part of a系列包模式启发我们喜欢音乐ableton created by在合作与领先的声音设计师。
现场剪辑31,1 188预置,现场集合
安装尺寸:870.38 MB
下载大小:596.1 MB
实况10(version 10.0或高)介绍
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