Magic Bullet LUT Buddy 适用于大部分软件

Vision Color发布了ImpulZ,这是一套全新的胶片模拟LUT,包含柯达富士等多种胶片型号的模拟LUT,支持所有市场上主流的数字摄影机拍摄的素材。大部分后期软件都可以使用LUT,就是说你可以很方便的将LUT引入你的后期流程中。通过使用LUT可以迅速达到很好的胶片质感和色彩,在此基础上稍作调整就能呈现很赞的色彩风格。
World’s Finest LUT Library
35mm Negative and Film Print LUTs
These are the 3D LUTs you have been Google’ing for! Make no mistake about it, ImpulZ is the world’s finest library of motion picture film LUTs emulating 35mm celluloid film. visionCOLOR a filmmaking resource company has partnered with me to bring you the same 35mm “look” found in the Hollywood DI process!
Featuring some of the world’s most sought after still and motion picture Kodak and Fuji film negatives. ImpulZ LUTs accurately achieves the color and look of analog film for your camera and for your software. With 3 versions to choose from, Basic, Pro and Ultimate, ImpulZ is scalable to fit your needs and your budget.
I use these LUTs in my professional work and so you have my personal promise and assurance that these won’t disappoint or your money back!
PRO Version : BMCC 2.5k Pack / BMPC 4k Pack / Canon VisionColor Pack / Nikon Standard Pack / GoPro Hero 3 Pack / Sony S-LOG Pack / Cineon Conversions Pack and -Film Grain DCI 4K Element .
支持类型包括佳能尼康的单反、佳能摄影机、索尼F系列摄影机、RED摄影机、BMCC摄影机、Arri Alexa等,也就是说支持REC.709、Slog、Clog、log-C、REDLogFilm等多种不同Gamma不同色彩空间的素材。
VisionColor ImpulZ LUTs Ultimate Version
预设目录:约2000种 3D LUT 预设:
01 ImpulZ – LOG Generic, LUT Pack
02 ImpulZ – Rec709 Generic, LUT Pack
03 ImpulZ – BMCC 2.5k, LUT Pack
04 ImpulZ – BMPCC, LUT Pack
05 ImpulZ – BMPC 4k, LUT Pack
06 ImpulZ – Arri Alexa LOC-C, LUT Pack
07 ImpulZ – Arri Alexa Rec, LUT Pack
08 ImpulZ – C100 C-LOG, LUT Pack
09 ImpulZ – C100 Wide DR, LUT Pack
10 ImpulZ – C300 C-LOG, LUT Pack
11 ImpulZ – C300 Wide DR, LUT Pack
12 ImpulZ – C500 C-LOG, LUT Pack
13 ImpulZ – C500 Wide DR, LUT Pack
14 ImpulZ – Canon Prolost Flat, LUT Pack
15 ImpulZ – Canon VisionColor, LUT Pack
16 ImpulZ – Canon VisionLOG RAW, LUT Pack
17 ImpulZ – Canon VisionTech, LUT Pack
18 ImpulZ – Nikon Flaat 10, LUT Pack
19 ImpulZ – Nikon Flaat 11, LUT Pack
20 ImpulZ – Nikon Neutral, LUT Pack
21 ImpulZ – Nikon Standard, LUT Pack
22 ImpulZ – GH4 Cinelike D, LUT Pack
23 ImpulZ – GoPro Hero 3, LUT Pack
24 ImpulZ – RED RedGamma 3, LUT Pack
25 ImpulZ – RED RedLogFilm, LUT Pack
26 ImpulZ – Sony S-LOG, LUT Pack
27 ImpulZ – Sony S-LOG2, LUT Pack
28 ImpulZ – Sony S-LOG3, LUT Pack
29 ImpulZ – Sony FS700 Cine 4, LUT Pack
30 ImpulZ – Sony FS700 S-LOG2, LUT Pack
31 ImpulZ – Cineon Conversions, LUT Pack
支持以下软件:Mac/Win 系统
DaVinci Resolve (Full & Lite) 达芬奇
Adobe Speedgrade CS6-CC 调色软件
Adobe Premiere CS5-CC 剪辑软件软件
Adobe After Effects CS5-CC 特效合成软件
Adobe Photoshop CS5-CC   图像处理软件
Final Cut Pro X 剪辑软件
Avid MC 6,7 剪辑软件
Shake   合成软件
Pandora Revolution/Pixi
CineForm Studio Premium
Film Master
Quantel Pablo
Motion 5
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专业电影胶片LUT调色预设(旗舰版)VisionColor ImpulZ LUTs Ultimate Version
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  • 发布时间:2014-5-13 20:30
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