Color and Black-and-White Photography in Photoshop
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  • 发布时间:2014-8-26 18:40
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Color and Black-and-White Photography in Photoshop
MP4 | Video: 1280x720 | 50 kbps | 48 KHz | Duration: 7 Hours | 2.50 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Master Photoshop techniques for making dramatic and powerful Color and B&W images that engage the viewers eye.
Master the Color and Black & White workflows in Photoshop for making dramatic and powerful images that lift off the page or screen, and engage the viewer's eye. Go far beyond the image as it came out of your camera and gain complete control over the look and feel of your photographs.
For Color photography, after touching on color theory and color themes as they apply to making powerful images, you will work with multiple methods to apply those techniques in Photoshop, including a complete color look workflow. For Black-and-White photography, after briefly exploring traditional toning and why Black-and-White images need toning, Steve guides you through the most important Black-and-White workflows in Photoshop. Those workflows serve as a preamble to applying toning and split-toning techniques using Photoshop's feature set - including the step-by-step technique Steve used to create Photoshop's Photographic Toning presets. Throughout all the lectures Steve provides you with thorough, clear, and detailed step-by-step instructions. Any questions you have will be answered by your instructor via the course dashboard.
MP4|视频:1280 x 720|50kbps|48kHz|持续时间:7小时|2.50GB
彩色摄影,我觉得你后抚触对色彩理论及颜色主题,适用于制作功能强大的图像,并将使用多个方法来应用这些技术在Photoshop中,包括一个完整的彩色看工作流。黑白摄影后简要地探索传统色调和为什么黑白图像需要调色,,Steve指导您通过在Photoshop中最重要的黑白工作流。这些工作流作为序言调色和拆分色调技术使用Photoshop 的功能集-包括Steve用于创建Photoshop 的摄影调色预设的分步技术的应用。在所有讲座整个Steve为您提供全面、清晰和详细的分步指导。你有任何问题将由你的导师,通过课程的仪表板回答。
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