
MSC 软件公司近日发布了新版MSC Apex 2015 Cheetah Release
这是该公司屡获殊荣的新一代计算机辅助工程(CAE)平台。MSC Apex Cheetah 版引入了以下特性:
  ?第三版的 MSC Apex 建模器——专门用于 CAE 的直接建模和网格生成解决方案,可实现 CAD 清理、简化及网格生成工作流程的简化。
  ?第一版的 MSC Apex 结构——MSC Apex 建模器的附加功能,可将 MSC Apex 扩展为完全集成、衍生性的结构分析解决方案。
   MSC Apex 产品经理 Hugues Jeancolas 表示:“Cheetah 堪称 MSC Apex 的里程碑版本,如今它推出了第一个解算器集成解决方案,可用于交互式渐进结构分析。建模、验证、求解以及探索设计从未做到如此高效、简便。MSC Apex 可帮助用户缩短用来构建、验证模型所需的时间量,这种工作不会给设计流程增加任何价值。这样一来,用户的注意力不只是放在交付合格的设计上,而是在一个富有乐趣的环境中找到最优设计。”
根据对领先制造企业所进行的最新调查,55% 的工程师会将 40% 以上的时间用于几何体清理和网格化分。MSC Apex 建模器不断推出各种具有开创性的功能:采用新式几何体检查工具,增强了几何体清理拼接及表面自动延展功能的稳健性,采用全新的去特征化用户接口、新型自动化网格改进功能和用户自定义网格质量标准,从而加速了 CAD 的网格处理过程、提高了生产率。在以前 Black Marlin 版易用性的基础上,经过上述功能增强,MSC Apex Cheetah 版提高了生产率和速度,特别是在中面几何体的创建、清理及网格化分方面。
67% 的工程师为获得收敛的解决方案需要运行 2 至 4 次解算。MSC Apex Cheetah 采用了创新的分析准备工具,改进了仿真工作流,使用户能够在提交分析之前对模型进行验证。分析准备工具利用集成的解算器方法来检查单元质量、正确的材料与截面属性、部件连通性、适当的负载以及约束定义。该工具与 MSC Apex 的高衍生性框架集成在一起,当用户构建模型时会自动更新。这样可确保在应用程序中创建的所有模型始终与解算器匹配,并且随时可以进行运算。
MSC Apex Cheetah 还改进了仿真工作流,引入装配表述和粘接,为大型组件装配提供支持。装配表述概念使用户能够管理采用多种配置组件的部件,并采用分块解决的方式对大型复杂装配结构逐步地进行定义、验证和分析。借助 Cheetah,用户现在能够管理、定义属性、装配和分析孤立的网格,并支持 MSC Nastran数据文件(BDF)的导入。
借助 MSC Apex Cheetah,用户可以定义场景、载荷及边界条件,分析并对线性静态和正则模态的结果进行后处理。MSC Apex 结构模块将计算部件、装配技术融于衍生性的框架,实现了交互式渐进分析。借助计算部件和装配技术,MSC Apex 成为真正的基于部件的解决方案,可独立地预先计算并存储每一个部件的行为表述(刚度、质量及阻尼)。在与 MSC Apex 衍生性的框架结合使用时,这种方法尤其有效,这是由于在解算器执行过程中,只会重新计算上一次解算器执行之后发生变化部件的行为表述。这种全新的解算器架构在商业环境中特别有效。
MSC Apex 最近荣获了《NASA 技术简报》2014 年度最佳产品奖和《Design News》金捕鼠夹大奖。
如需了解有关 MSC Apex Cheetah 的更多信息,请在 http://www.mscsoftware.com 上注册即将推出的新版本网络研讨会。也可以在 http://www.mscapex.com 上申请 MSC Apex 免费试用版。
关于 MSC Software
MSC 软件是十大原创软件公司之一,是全球多学科仿真的领导厂商。作为值得信赖的合作伙伴,MSC 软件帮助企业提高了产品质量、缩短了产品投入市场的时间并且降低了在设计和测试产品方面的成本。学术机构、科研人员、学生使用 MSC 的技术扩展个人的知识,同时也拓广了仿真水平。MSC 软件在全球20个国家有1100名员工。更多有关 MSC 软件产品和服务信息,请访问 http://www.mscsoftware.com.cn
MSC 软件商标、Simulating Reality、MSC Nastran、Adams、Actran、 Digimat、Dytran、Easy5、Marc、Patran、MSC、Masterkey、MasterKey Plus、MaterialCenter、SimDesigner、SimManager和SimXpert是MSC 软件公司和/或其子公司在美国和/或在其他国家的商标或注册商标。NASTRAN 是NASA的注册商标。
MSC Apex 2015 Cheetah Release | 1.9 Gb
MSC Software Corporation announced a new release of MSC Apex, the company's award winning next generation Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) platform.
The MSC Apex Cheetah release introduces:
- The third release of MSC Apex Modeler - A CAE Specific direct modeling and meshing solution that streamlines CAD clean-up, simplification, and meshing workflow.
- The first release of MSC Apex Structures - An add-on to MSC Apex Modeler which now expands MSC Apex to a fully integrated and generative structural analysis solution.
The new release enhances the engineer's workflow and daily productivity with many innovative modeling and analysis capabilities, and gives more engineers the ability to perform design analysis.
Key productivity accelerators include:
- Geometry clean-up and Meshing
55% of engineers spend more than 40% of their time on geometry clean up and meshing, according to a recent survey conducted with leading manufacturing companies. MSC Apex Modeler continues to deliver breakthrough capabilities to speed the CAD to mesh process and improve productivity with a new Geometry Checks tool, robustness enhancements to Geometry Cleanup Stitching and Surface Auto extend capabilities, a new user interface for De-featuring, and a new Automated Mesh Improve capability and user defined mesh quality criteria. While the previous release, Black Marlin, delivered on ease-of-use, with these enhancements, MSC Apex Cheetah brings productivity and speed, in particular for mid-surface geometry creation, clean-up and meshing.
- Solver Validated Modeling
67% of engineers need 2 to 4 solver runs to obtain a converged solution. MSC Apex Cheetah enhances the simulation workflow by delivering an innovative Analysis Readiness tool that allows the user to validate models before submitting the analysis. The Analysis Readiness tool leverages integrated solver methods to check on element quality, proper material and section attribution, part connectivity, and proper loads and constraints definitions. The tool is integrated with the MSC Apex generative framework and automatically updates as the user builds the model. This ensures all models created within the application are always solver compliant and run-ready.
- Assembly Representations
MSC Apex Cheetah also enhances the simulation workflow to support large assemblies with the introduction of assembly representations, and glue connections. The concept of assembly representations allows the user to manage multiple configured assemblies of parts, and enables a divide and conquer approach to incrementally define, validate, and analyze large, complex assemblies. With Cheetah, users will also now be able to manage, attribute, assemble, and analyze orphan meshes with the support for MSC Nastran bulk data files (BDF) import.
- Generative Linear Structural Analysis
With MSC Apex Cheetah, users can now define scenarios, loads, and boundary conditions, analyze, and post process results for Linear Static and Normal Modes. MSC Apex Structures combines Computational Parts and Assemblies' technology with a generative framework, which enables interactive and incremental analysis. With Computational Parts and Assemblies, MSC Apex is a true parts-based solution, where each part behavioral representation (stiffness, mass, and damping) can be pre-computed and stored independently. This approach is especially efficient when combined with the MSC Apex generative framework, as the solver execution will only re-compute behavioral representations for parts that have changed since the last solver execution. This new solver architecture is especially efficient in the context of trade studies.
About MSC Software
MSC Software is one of the ten original software companies and a global leader in helping product manufacturers to advance their engineering methods with simulation software and services. As a trusted partner, MSC Software helps companies improve quality, save time, and reduce costs associated with design and test of manufactured products. Academic institutions, researchers, and students employ MSC's technology to expand individual knowledge as well as expand the horizon of simulation. MSC Software employs 1,200 professionals in 20 countries.
Name: MSC Apex
Version: (64bit) 2015 Cheetah Release
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
Size: 1.9 Gb
收藏0 0 反对0
MSC Apex 2015 Cheetah Release
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