
DaVinci Resolve 12将专业的非线性视频剪辑功能和业界最先进的调色系统集于一身,现在您可以通过一个系统实现剪辑、调色、精编和交付等所有操作!DaVinci Resolve支持窗口缩放,并且不限分辨率,可在现场、狭小工作室使用,甚至可以整合到最大型的好莱坞制作流程中!从创意剪辑和多机位电视制作到高端精编和调色工作,唯有DaVinci Resolve才具备如此繁多的创意工具、强大兼容性、超快速度、以及一流的画质,令您合理掌控整体流程。它当之无愧地成为了好莱坞电影的首选解决方案。
DaVinci Resolve 12.2 | MacOSX | 170 MB
DaVinci Resolve 12 combines professional editing and advanced color correction so you can edit and grade all in one application! This is the same tool used by professional Hollywood editors and colorists. If you want to work on cutting edge films, TV shows, and commercials, then DaVinci Resolve 12 is the software you need to learn!
DaVinci Resolve 12 includes over 80 new features like multi-cam, advanced trimming, high performance audio and more. You get context sensitive editing and trimming tools along with titling, transitions, effects, and animation. DaVinci Resolve 12 features sample accurate audio, tape style scrubbing, fader automation, an on screen mixer and plugins. The familiar multi-track timeline, customizable interface and keyboard shortcuts make DaVinci Resolve 12 fast to learn!
DaVinci is the world?s most trusted name in color and is used on virtually all Hollywood feature films, TV commercials, episodic programs and more! You get ultra wide dynamic range 32-bit float YRGB image processing and GPU acceleration for producing beautiful images that no other system can match!
Current model MacPro, iMac or MacBook Pro with a minimum of 2GB of graphics memory. A fast hard disk for video, 16GB of system memory, Mac OS X 10.10.3 or higher, at least a 1440 x 900 resolution display.
* Familiar multi-track timeline
* Separate bins for media & timelines
* Searchable metadata & edit index
* Insert, Overwrite, Fit to Fill, Superimpose, Add, Extend & Trim edits
* 2 & 3-point edits, split a/v edits, J- & L-cuts
* Context sensitive Ripple, Roll, Slip & Slide trim tools
* JKL Dynamic asymmetric & symmetric trimming
* Multi Camera editing
* Match frame & reverse match frame
* Mouse or keyboard editing with programmable shortcuts
* 2-up & 4-up displays for editing & trimming
* Track targeting & locking
* Flags & markers
* Optical flow speed changes & time remapping
* Keyframe inspector & curve editor in timeline
* Copy & Paste attributes
* Through-edit indicators & join edit command
* Editable transitions with curves
* Sub-clipping
* Sample accurate audio editing
* Support for VST and Audio Unit plug-ins
* Track and clip level audio effects
* On-screen mixer and waveforms
* Drag and drop support to import files from Finder
* On-screen animation controls
* Rich Text titling with professional typography controls
* Customizable stroke, background, outlines & shadows on titles
* Unlimited grades with intuitive node based workflow
* Primary correction with wheels, YRGB sliders, RGB Mixer & log grading
* Enhanced curve editor
* Complete RAW controls including highlight & shadow recovery
* Color Match auto balancing using standard color charts
* Unlimited Secondary corrections to isolate specific parts of image
* 3D Keyer with despoil and matte finesse controls for precise qualifications
* Power Windows* with basic shapes & custom shape tools
* Professional video scopes & monitors
* 3D multipoint tracking
* 3D multipoint stabilization
* Internal & external key/matte support
* Gallery to store frames, grades and preset ?looks"
* Clip, group, or entire timeline grading
* Keyframes for animating changes over time
* Node clean up and organization tools
* Ripple grades to multiple clips
* ACES 1.0 and DaVinci Color Management
* 1D & 3D LUT support
* Split-screen for comparing shots
* Copy & paste grades
* Dirt & dust correction tools
* FCP 7, FCP X & Premiere Pro XML import/export
* AVID AAF & ALE support
* Export to ProTools
* Automatic XML, AAF & EDL conforming
* ASC CDLs (Color Decision List) import & export
* Native RAW for ARRI, RED, Sony, Canon, CinemaDNG & Panasonic files
* Uncompressed RGB & YUV
* DPX, Cineon, TIFF & multi-layer OpenEXR
* Avid DNxHR support as both MXF & QuickTime
* Full ProRes support
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DaVinci Resolve 12.2 MacOSX
  • 百度链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i4iS7h7
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-23 15:32
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