《富尔特素材辞典Datacraft Sozaijiten》 共66560MB
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一共更新到235辑,里面的图片每张都是2950 x 2094pixels 350dpi的高质量图片
001.石材篇 Stone Textures
002.纸、布、木纹篇 Paper Fabrics Wood BlD
003.金属篇 Metal and Rust Textures
004.火焰、火花、水篇 Flames, Spark & Water
005.天空、云篇 Skies & Clouds
006.四季、自然篇 Four seasons & Nature
007.彩光篇 Light
008.壁材、土纹篇 Walls & Soils
009.彩画篇 Paints Pastels
010.花之特写篇 Flowers
011.化石篇 Fossils
012.蝴蝶篇 Butterfly
013.叶、叶脉篇 Leaves and Leaf Veins
014.蔬菜、水果篇 Vegetables
015.食材篇 Spices & Foods
016.树皮、年轮篇 Barks & Annual rings
017.北海道冬景篇 Winters & Hokkaido
018.手的表情篇 Hands
019.皮革、毛皮篇 Leathers and Furs
020.百花篇 Wild flowers & Cherry blossoms
021.宇宙篇 Space and Planets
022.餐饮料理篇 Foods and Dishes
023.日式纸纹篇 Mino Paper and Japanese Paper
024.大理石篇 Marbles
025.框架篇 Picture frames
026.森林、树木篇 Forests & Grove
027.机械、齿轮篇 Machines and Gears
028.海底世界篇 Diving and Marine
029.办公生活、用品篇 Business and Living Goods
030.男性特写篇 People - Male
031.女性特写篇 Person - female
032.眼、唇、身体篇 Eyes, Lips & Nudes
033.资讯电子篇 Computers and Technology
034.花艺篇 Flower Arrangements
035.海洋生物篇 Corals and Marine Creatures
036.日式传统布纹篇 Fabric & Traditional Japanese patterns
037.富士山、樱花篇 Mt Fuji & Cherry Blossoms
038.婴幼儿特写篇 People - Babies
039.儿童特写篇 Children
040.海、岛屿篇 Seas & South Islands
041.夏日风情写真篇 Summer Lifestyles & Nature
042.室内装潢篇 Interior Design and Living Space
043.老人福祉篇 Senior citizens & Social welfare
044.环保问题篇 Environmental Problems
045.东京篇 Tokyo
046.地球特写篇 Earth From Outer Space
047.冬季运动、休闲篇 Winter Sports and Resorts
048.圣诞、贺年篇 Christmas & New Years
049.鲜鱼篇 Fresh Fish
050.猫狗篇 Dogs & Cats
051.日式染印布纹篇 Dyeing - Yuzen Dyeing Indigo Dyeing & Japanese Print
052.日式织布格纹篇 Fabric-Stripes Plaid and Slashed Patterns
053.木纹篇 Wood Grain Interlocked Wood and Hurdles
054.自然剪影篇 Fascinating Nature
055.研究实验篇 Experiment and Research Images
056.园艺篇 Gardening & Horticulture accessories
057.金融货币篇 Finance and Currencies
058.细胞结晶篇 Microworld-Cells and Crystals
059.天空大地篇 Ground and Sky
060.花的彩绘篇 Colorful Flowers
061.厨房料理篇 Cooking Scenes - Kitchens
062.动物表情篇 Impressive Small Animals
063.清溪自然篇 Clean Streams - Mountains and Nature
064.丰收篇 Harvesting - Blessings of the Earth
065.日式建筑传统篇 Kyoto - Japanese Elegance
066.西式布纹篇 Western Patterns - Textiles
067.水上活动风情篇 Hawaii & Guam
068.日本风篇 Japanese Seasonal Events
069.婚礼篇 Wedding Ceremonies
070.星空宇宙篇 A starry Sky & The Universe
071.运动跃动篇 Sports & Exciting Action
072.海生动物篇 Artic Animals
073.料理篇 Japanese Chinese and Wester Food
074.新世纪科技篇 Images for the 21st Century
075.纽约篇 New York
076.茂盛树木篇 Trees Full Of Life
077.山丘美景篇 Landscapes of Flowers & Hills
078.花的风采篇 Floral Shapes
079.女性-运动.美容篇 Women - Fitness & the Body
080.女性-表情特写篇 Women - Beauty & Relaxation
081.背景.空间篇 Background and Space Images
082.四季.自然篇 Seasonal colors & Small natural scenes
083.道路美景篇 Landscapes featuring Roads
084.办公人物篇 Business & Office Scenes
085.世界山脉篇 Mountains & Mountain Ranges in the World
086.花絮生活篇 Lifestyles Adorned with Flowers
087.网络资讯篇 Information network
088.门.窗篇 Doors & Windows
089.手工创作-快乐家庭篇 Handicraft family - Cheerful families
090.手工创作-温馨家庭篇 Handicraft Family - Heartwarming Families
091.背景-花.植物篇 Background Flowers and Plants
092.水果.果实篇 Abundant Harvest of Fruit
093.蔬菜特写篇 Vegetables in Season
094.四季-美景篇 Four Seasons - Relaxing Landscapes
095.餐桌风情篇 Pleasant dining table
096.鸟语四季篇 Four Seasons of Birds
097.商务.人物篇 Businessmen & Businesswomen
098.野生动物篇 Wild Animals in Africa
099.东南亚特写-泰国.柬埔寨.越南篇 Southeast Asia - Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam
100.天空.云彩篇 Skies and Iridescent Clouds
101.纸的风情篇 Images of Paper and Books
102.闪电.熔岩.彩虹篇 Lightning, eruptions & rainbows
103.法国.意大利.西班牙篇 France, Italy & Spain
104.乐器.演奏篇 Musical Instruments and Performance
105.室内设计-简单风格篇 Textures - (Interior - Simple style)
106.花草边框篇 Leaf & Flower Frames
107.交通工具-移动.速度篇 Vehicles - Transport & Speed
108.运动用品篇 Sporting Goods
109.蔬果剖面篇 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
110.祝福花饰篇 Celebratory Flowers
111.海岛风情篇 The Sea & Holidays in Southern Countries
112.商业都市-东京.横滨篇 Tokyo & Yokohama - Business Citys
113.背景-IT篇 Background - Information Technology
114.四季料理篇 Food & Seasonal cooking
115.办公剪影.行动篇 Business - office district people
116.美酒.甜品篇 Wine & food Table of Hospitality
117.全球通讯篇 Global communication
118.自然布纹篇 Warm Fabrics Natural & Casual
119.水的印象篇 Images of Water
120.都会商业人物篇 Businessmen - Urban Areas
121.百花美景篇 Blooming Scenery
122.四季-日本风情篇 Four Seasons - Japanese Landscapes
123.室内设计-女生生活篇 Interior - Womens Lifestyles
124.可爱猫狗篇 Puppies and Kittens
125.花的印象篇 Images of Flowers
126 IT商业-办公篇 IT Business - Office Work
127.新叶绿意篇 Fresh Greenery and New Leaves
128.礼物装饰篇 Heartful Gifts
129.晴空.风景篇 Landscapes Under the Great Blue Sky
130.新鲜肉类.蛋篇 Fresh Food - Meat & Eggs
131.新鲜鱼获篇 Seasonal Fish and Shellfish
132.意大利面.比萨.沙拉篇 Pasta, Pizza & Salad
133.日式风情篇 Japanese Style Kyoto Flavor
134.阳光森林篇 Forests & Light Falling through Trees
135.新鲜蔬菜篇 Vegetables - Blessings of the Sun
136.年老-宽裕时间篇 Senior Citizens - Leisure Time
137.年老-休闲篇 Senior Citizens - Refreshing Holidays
138 CG-光.速度篇 CG backgrounds - Light & speed
139.水-瀑布.涌泉篇 Water - Clear Streams And Springwater
140.夏威夷Aloha篇 Hawaii - Aloha Feeling
141.女性-居家篇 Women - Private time
142.女性-清新笑容篇 Woman Freshness And Smiles
143.女性-厨房篇 Women In The Kitchen
144.和食篇 Sushi and Sashimi Images of Japanese Food
145.女性-宠物篇 Women and Their Dogs
146.四季花木篇 Four Seasons & Flowing Plants of Japan
147 CG背景-可爱.流行篇 Background Pop and Sweetness
148.绿叶篇 Foliage and Green leaves
149.现代商业篇 Business Today
150 CG背景-人类工业篇 Human Technologies
151.活力女性篇 Cheerful Women
152.女性-户外休闲篇 Leisure Time in the Meadow
153.和风传统礼俗篇 Traditional Japanese Hospitality
154.冲绳海洋风情篇 Okinawa Beautiful Seas
155.生活空间篇 Living space and Small Interior Items
156.女生-工作篇 Working Women
157.四季-田园篇 Four Seasons in The Country
158.女性-早晨生活篇 Women In the Morning Lifestyles
159.宝贝狗狗篇 Dogs Lovely Dogs
160.纪念日.圣诞节篇 Anniversaries & Christmas
161.小家庭生活篇 New Life Couples and Kids
162.快乐家庭篇 Families Smiles and living
163.蛋糕.甜品篇 Sweets and Confectioneries
164.水-清纯篇 Water-Clear and Pure
165.运动-竞赛篇 Sports Speed and Power
166.女性-健康生活篇 Women Living Healthy
168.都市空间、建筑 Business Districts Urban Space
169.天空、云朵 The Sky and Clouds Distant Blue
170.室内花 Interior Flower and Goods
171.夏日阳光时尚休闲 Summer Popping and Colorful
172.商业.未来领导者 Business Future Leaders
173.学生时代 School Life Junior
174.工作笑颜 Business Office Life filled with Smiles
175.青少年-朋友.笑容 Teenage life Friends and smiles
176.友情 Friends and Couples Cafe
177.伦敦柏林历史风景图片集素材 UK Germany and Switzerland
178.水、空气、绿色 Greenery Water and Air
179.华贵和优雅背景图 Background Sparkling and Romantic
180.时尚居家生活 Modern Lifestyle Interiors
181.蓝天与花 The Blue Sky Brings Flowers of Joy
182.海滩女孩 Girls at the Beach
183.海滩女人 Women at the Resort
184.室内绿叶、草本 Interior Greenery and Herbs
185.婚礼素材篇 Sweet Weddings
186.四季鲜花篇 CG Backgrounds Flowers And Seasons
187.女士轻松沐浴时间篇 Women Relaxing At Bath Time
188.快乐家庭 Family at Home
189.快乐家庭聚餐 Family at the Table
190.微笑礼物主题 Gifts with Smiles
191.北京·上海·香港篇 Beijing Shanghai and Hong Kong
192.商业新进职员篇 Business-Fresh new workers
193.校园生活篇 Campus life
194.草原主题 Grasslands Images of the Sky and Wind
195.愉快的野餐主题 Pleasant Picnics Family and Friends
196.城镇风光篇 Towns Where Families Live
197.人与自然篇 Images of People and Nature
198.快乐少女-笑顔假日篇 Happy Girls-Holidays filled with Smiles
199.北海道-自然与観光篇 Hokkaido-Nature and Tourism
201.城市家庭主题 Datacraft Sozaijiten Vol.201 Suburban Family
203.纯正甜美的花朵 Datacraft.Sozaijiten.Vol.203.Pure.Sweet.Wildflowers
204.青年人驾车度假 Datacraft.Sozaijiten.Vol.204.Girls.On.A.Driving.Holiday
205 新年和庆典.New.Years.and.Celebrations
206.环境与未来篇.Environment & the Future
207 商業演講篇.Business.Presentations
208 办公室的同事.Office.Colleagues
215.和家宴会-朋友干杯篇.House Parties Toasting With Friends
221.庭园.婚礼.Garden Weddings
222.女性美容与护肤化妆.Beauty-Makeup&Skin Care
223.家庭生活.家人朋友.外出度假.Senior Citizen Life-Friends&Family

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