琳达-富士 X-T2 提示技巧和技术
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  • 发布时间:2017-3-4 02:00
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Lynda - Fuji X-T2: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
Size: 2.67 GB | Duration: 2h 25m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch
Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Language: English
You've been using your Fujifilm X-T2 camera for a while—but are you using it efficiently? This camera is packed with customization features that allow you to fine-tune everything from focusing to exposure. Its unique modeless design provides remarkable flexibility, but also requires experienced shooters to rethink how they approach certain kinds of shooting scenarios. In this course, photographer and educator Ben Long demonstrates a set of customization strategies aimed at making your Fujifilm X-T2 far more responsive and effective. That way, you can focus on composition and artistic expression, and let your camera handle the rest.
Topics include:
* Choosing between the X-T1 and X-T2
* Using controls including the ISO dial, focus locks, and exposure locks
* Choosing third-stop shutter fields
* Changing depth of field
* Using the autofocus mode
* Exploring face and eye detection
* Understanding JPEG quality
* Customizing menus and buttons
* Working with lenses and accessories
大小︰2.67GB|持续时间︰2 h25 m|视频︰AVC(.mp4)1280 × 72030fps|音频︰AAC48 KHz2 通道
你已经一段时间使用富士X-T2相机— — 但你有效地使用它吗?这架照相机被挤满了自定义功能使您可以微调一切从集中暴露。其独特的非模态设计提供卓越的灵活性,但也需要经验丰富的射手,重新思考他们如何解决某些种类的拍摄场景。在此过程中,摄影师和教育家奔龙演示一套旨在使您的富士X-T2远更快、更有效的自定义策略。这样一来,你可以重点介绍构图和艺术表达,并让你处理其余的摄像头。
X T1和X T2之间选择
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