Maya中Viewport与ShaderFX高质量场景制作视频教程第二季,The Gn
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  • 发布时间:2016-7-24 19:46
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本视频教程是由Gnomon机构出品的Maya中Viewport与ShaderFX高质量场景制作视频教程第二季,The Gnomon Workshop Maya Viewport 2.0 and Shader FX
Autodesk Maya是美国Autodesk公司出品的世界顶级的三维动画软件,应用对象是专业的影视广告,角色动画,电影特技等。Maya功能完善,工作灵活,易学易用,制作效率极高,渲染真实感极强,是电影级别的高端制作软件。Maya声名显赫,是制作者梦寐以求的制作工具,掌握了Maya,会极大的提高制作效率和品质,调节出仿真的角色动画,渲染出电影一般的真实效果,向世界顶级动画师迈进。Maya 集成了Alias、Wavefront 最先进的动画及数字效果技术。它不仅包括一般三维和视觉效果制作的功能,而且还与最先进的建模、数字化布料模拟、毛发渲染、运动匹配技术相结合。Maya 可在Windows NT与 SGI IRIX 操作系统上运行。在目前市场上用来进行数字和三维制作的工具中,Maya 是首选解决方案。
Maya参与制作的电影有:法国国宝级艺术家Jean Giraud,他原创的影片有《第五元素》、《异形》、《星战》等,并参与制作了《沙丘魔堡》、《深渊》等经典科幻电影;导演Glenn Chaika,著名动画片导演,曾在迪斯尼担任《小美人鱼》的动画师,并执导《拇指仙童历险记》、《花木兰II》等影片;模型监制Wayne Kennedy是曾参与过《隐形人》、《星球大战》、《龙卷风》、《黑衣人》、《木乃伊》的模型师;动画监制Bob Koch和Kelvin Lee是担任《 玩具总动员》、《精灵鼠小弟》等影片的资深动画师;特效指导Manny Wong曾担任《后天》的特效总监,并参与制作了《狂莽之灾I》、《星河战舰》、《巨蟒》、《魔女游戏》等影片。
The Gnomon Workshop Maya Viewport 2.0 and Shader FX UPDATED
In this lecture, Eric Keller explores the new features and functionality of Maya 2015’s Viewport 2.0. Starting with advice on how to optimize your workstation in order to take advantage of the new features, Keller then goes into an in-depth discussion of the special Viewport 2.0 Shader FX and DirectX 11 materials. The described techniques allow you to view transparency, environment reflections, ambient occlusion and translucency, all in real-time, without the need for expensive renders. By taking advantage of the hidden power of Viewport 2.0 you can create better previews, stunning animatics, faster 3D illustrations, and higher quality game textures and assets. The lecture demonstrates techniques on a wide variety of example scenes including environments, props, and creatures. Keller then describes his own techniques for creating realtime render passes that can be composited in Nuke to create amazing results with minimal render time. You’ll learn how to create and edit Shader FX networks, use multiple UV sets, create real-time animated textures, generate environment reflections and apply them to surfaces, use IBLs, create real-time displacements with the Direct X 11 shader, and tricks for generating glow and translucency effects that can be viewed within Viewport 2.0.
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Amy_mengyuan 发表于 2016-8-9 14:16:46 | 只看该作者
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