Allan McKay出品的高楼爆炸好莱坞级特效制作视频教程第二季 46GB
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FX)和2 -决战洛杉矶
这个序列的视觉效应,我们看到大量的大尺度asteroids raining下过洛杉矶的天敌很多建筑和产生主要的影响和破坏。有人在他们的建筑是hitting是过470英尺高和SO retain形,但他们的表演区内焊缝,当有其他建筑物的全面崩溃,从disastrous的影响,从这些asteroids。。。。。。。这是definitely为主题的不是什么世界末日,你会看到,如果是todays创新与科技的能力,是能创建特征的灾难电影电影电影质量的影响。
我们的第一个挑战是设计的发展看,我们的asteroid,创造了simulations流体在整个效应和外汇资产的一种方式,我们可以轻易地把这个热情的任何次的组合物,与最大的细节和放松,实施。我们认同一个英雄这一次我们做的鞋底的方法创造了我们的初始焦点效应,一个关键的镜头做我们的R & D(总是更好的发展我们的效应在实际中的一次右键上下文isolating比我们的工作)。我们的重点是我们的entirely产生影响的第一次为我们的英雄,但在保鲜的心,我们将需要卷出这些影响的热情多球后。
一次,第一次是创新的和多asteroids tearing通一的最大的建筑在洛杉矶的世纪广场的塔楼,我们开始对辊的影响”的热情,很多公司和许多其他建筑有焊缝。simulating大规模的建筑物下的地面塌陷的热情之火,他人的焊缝不完全,我们做的基本paintings磨砂和mediumvariant元,跟踪,利用许多其他方法的建立上的史诗般的序列中的精英,消防和全面
——工艺参与这些公司是大但我们学习到股资产和思想超前,和efficiently render的事情。probably的一个最关键的机遇aways从这项将是如何影响我们的render和创造的,他们不是T和重金属是容易的推我们的render通管道。我们也在看,许多公司tricks to get方法和我们的球通到最终没有消耗性时,和许多涂料技术和纹理技术真的推我们的产出质量的十倍;
FX Term 2 – Armageddon Los Angeles
Trailing on from an intense Term 1, we continue our journey now focusing on new areas as we continue the theme of building destruction but now looking at multiple shots, and sometimes multiple buildings being destroyed in the same shots. The focus is on continuity between these shots and thinking ahead on how to pull these shots off quickly and efficiently through better planning and application.
This visual effects sequence we see massive large scale asteroids raining down over LA destroying many buildings and creating major impacts and destruction. Some of the buildings they’re hitting are over 470 feet tall and so retain their shape but show inner areas destroyed, while other buildings have total collapse from the disastrous impact from these asteroids. This is definitely themed around what you would see if Armageddon was created with todays technology and abilities, to be able to create feature film disaster film quality movie effects.
Starting out we review our edit of the sequence, and shot codes and assignment. We look at the effects needed and begin to break down each of the shots requirements while doing paint overs of each of the shots to get a better idea before we move ahead.
Our first challenge is designing the look development of our asteroid, creating the fluid simulations of the entire effect and the FX asset in a way that we can easily bring this into any shot easily, with maximum detail and ease of implementation. We identify a hero shot which we make the sole focus for creating our initial effects, a critical shot to do our R&D in (Always better to develop our effects in an actual shot in the right context than isolating our work). We focus entirely on creating our effects for our hero shot first, but keeping in mind we will need to roll out these effects into multiple shots later.
Once the first shot is created – with multiple asteroids tearing through one of the largest buildings in Los Angeles the Century Plaza Towers, we begin to roll the effects out into many shots with many other buildings being destroyed. Simulating massive buildings collapsing down into the ground on fire, others partially destroyed – we do basic matte paintings and projections, element tracking, utilizing many other methods to build up an epic sequence of shots, fire and total carnage. No building is left safe, including Die Hard’s Nakatomi Plaza (aka Fox Tower) which we destroy over a series of shots having it crash down in a ball of firey dust and debris.
The process involved in these shots is big but we learn to share assets and think ahead, and render things efficiently. Probably one of the most critical take-aways from this term will be how to render and create our effects so they aren’t heavy and are easy to push through our render pipeline. We also look at many comp tricks and ways to get our shots through to final without wasting time – and many paint techniques and texturing techniques to really push the quality of our output ten fold
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精彩评论 2

麦兜基 发表于 2018-11-17 18:52:21 | 只看该作者
mmbk007 发表于 2020-3-26 21:46:05 | 只看该作者
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