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8DIO The New Epic Frame Drum Ensemble KONTAKT | 1.36 Gb
The New Epic Frame Drum Ensemble is the most comprehensive and deep-sampled collection of large-scale Epic Framedrum Ensembles on the market. The library is a completely remastered, redesigned and reprogrammed edition of our original Epic Framedrum Ensemble. The New Epic Framedrum Ensemble contains over 2.500 samples, ensemble and solo frame drums, more then 1000 ensemble loops, built-in articulation browser, internal step-sequencer, front-face FX, textural convolutions and our newest 3.4 Chaos Engine.
The New Epic Framedrum Ensemble contains deep sampled Irish Bodhrán drums, North African Tar drums, Egyptian Riqs, Persian Dafs and North American tribal drums. We captured them in a large A-frame chapel for an authentic, naturally massive sound that no artificial algorithmic or convolution reverb can truly simulate. We recorded them in small chamber (divisi) sections and full ensemble groupings and covering both traditional and expanded playing styles and articulations. This library is ideal for powerful epic scoring and any composition that calls for massive sounding percussion. We also captured a huge bonus collection of +1.100 BPM-based performance loops (80-140 BPM). The loops include automatic tempo-syncing functionality that allows them to be matched to a fairly wide range of custom project tempos. This library is designed to work with other of frame drum library, solo frame drums, which is a deep-sampled assortments of solo frame drums.
The Frame Drum represents one of the most widespread and versatile families of drums – with a history crossing through ancient Middle East, India, Rome and through a variety of Islamic cultures. The Frame Drum defined by the simple characteristic that the width of the drumhead is greater then its depth, but besides from that the Frame Drum comes in thousands of variations. It is known for its distinct sustained sound and its multi-resonant qualities. The Frame Drum is traditionally tuned with straps or lugs, while others are permanently set at a fixed pitch. Many also incorporate beads, rattles, cymbals, jingles, rings, bells, snares or other accessories, to augment the primary sound and add specialized auxiliary articulations. Some are played with hands, while others use thin sticks, thick bones, soft mallets, combs, brushes and other specialized tools to produce a huge range of unique musical tones and effects. Some members of the Frame Drum family may even lack a striking head and rely entirely on rattles or other elements to produce their sound.
Ensemble Framedrums containing more then 10 different frame drums, covering of all sizes and origins
Recorded naturally wet in a rich, lush, large epic church
Deep multi-sampling, with 10X Round robin on all notes and plenty of velocity layers for truly dynamic playability and realism
Half-step key-switching, attack, room decay shaping and custom convolution reverb controls with unique real-world and sound designed impulse files
Custom Presets: Master tuned and un-tuned mega-patch
Divisi patches for each group and subgroup Divisi patches for solo drums
A wide variety of mallet types and hand positions Exotic percussion effects, rolls, swells and skin drones Body stomp, clap and bible thumping percussion
A bonus collection of 1157 live-recorded ensemble and solo frame tempo-synching drum grooves recorded at 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 and 140 BPM
Automatic host-tempo syncing solutions for all loops also included
3 instrument patches, 2509 Samples
Sample resolution: 44.1Khz / 24Bit stereo
Format(s): Kontakt
新的史诗Framedrum合奏包含深采样爱尔兰Bodhrán敲鼓北非焦油,埃及Riqs,波斯足底和北美部落鼓。我们在一个大的井架教堂为正宗,自然巨大的声音,没有人工的算法或卷积混响可以真实模拟捕获它们。我们将其记录在小庭(拳击)和全集成分组和涵盖传统的和扩大的演奏风格和清楚的发音。这个图书馆是理想的强大史诗得分和呼吁大规模探测敲击任何组成。我们还缴获了+1.100一个巨大的奖金集合基于 BPM 的性能回路(80-140BPM)。回路包括节奏同步的自动功能,即允许他们能匹配到相当广泛的自定义项目的节奏。此库被为了与其他框架鼓图书馆工作,独奏框架鼓,这是深采样的独奏框架鼓分类。
帧鼓代表鼓— —与历史横穿通过古代中东、印度、罗马和各种伊斯兰文化最普遍和最多才多艺的家庭之一。帧鼓由定义的简单特征的鼓面宽度大于然后它的深度,但除了从那架鼓进来数以千计的变化。它以其独特的持续的声音和它多谐振的品质而闻名。帧鼓传统调谐背带或把手,而别人永久地设置在固定摊位。许多人也把珠子、摇铃、铙钹、顺口溜、戒指、钟声、陷阱或其他的配件,以增加主声音和添加专门辅助关节。一些被玩弄手中,而其他使用薄棍棒、粗大的骨骼,软的木槌、梳子、刷子和其他专门的工具来产生巨大的独特音乐声调和影响范围。帧鼓家庭的一些成员甚至可能缺乏一个引人注目的头和完全依赖摇铃或其他元素来生成他们的声音。
深多采样,用上所有的笔记和大量的低速层对真正的动态的可玩性和真实性10 X圆罗宾
采样分辨率︰44.1Khz/24 位立体声
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