Toolchefs Atoms Crowd
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  • 发布时间:2018-1-7 05:09
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Toolchefs Atoms Crowd v1.11.0 for Houdini and MayaToolchefs Atoms Crowd v1.12.0 for.Houdini WIN-LNX [AMPED]Toolchefs Atoms Crowd v1.12.0 for.Maya WIN-LNX [AMPED]Toolchefs Atoms Crowd v1.14.0 for Houdini 16.x and Maya WinLnxToolchefs Atoms Crowd v1.14.0 for Katana WinLnxToolchefs Atoms Crowd 2.0.5 for Houdini Maya KatanaToolchefs Atoms Crowd 2.1.3 for HoudiniMaya Win x64
Atoms Crowd使任何人都可以制作人群动画,你不需要任何特定的技能来布置你的人群照片并模拟他们。
使用Atoms Crowd,你可以用几种方式布局你的镜头,只需点击几下就可以运行你的第一个模拟。
模拟是完全由艺术家驱动的,Atoms不会为你做任何决定。 你将永远对所有事情有最后的发言权。
Atoms Crowd makes crowd animation available to anyone. You don’t need any particular skill set to layout your crowd shots and simulate them. You don’t believe it, do you? Wait and see!
Easy to Use
With Atoms Crowd you can layout your shots in several ways and run your first simulation in just few clicks.
The simulation is completely artist driven, Atoms won’t try to take any decision for you. You will always have the final say on everything.
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