ON1 Effects
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  • 发布时间:2018-4-17 05:25
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https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_HaT8uALQnK6_bpTD2hOug 密码: dvw6
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1COFzRaBbGSPPS5qs5nTSRA 密码: qzpv
ON1 Effects 2018.1.v12.1.1 X64 - AMPEDON1 Effects 2018.5 v12.5.3.5757 Win
添加风格是定义你作为摄影师的一部分,Effects包括数百个可堆叠的滤镜、预设、边框和纹理来帮助创建你的风格。无论你想添加HDR外观,转换为B&W,带来更多的细节,减少噪点,或加强肖像效果,ON1 Effects是你的一站式解决方案。
Hundreds of stackable filters, presets, and more!
Adding style is part of what defines you as a photographer. Effects 2018 includes hundreds of stackable filters, presets, borders, and textures to help create your style. Whether you're looking to add an HDR look, convert to B  W, bring out more detail, reduce noise, or enhance a portrait, don't use five different plug-ins when ON1 Effects 2018 is your one-stop solution.
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