
AMPLiFY | 29.03.2006 | 3.83GB
Marcel Barsottis Ethno World 3 Complete is one of the biggest ethno libraries and contains 40 new rare ethnic instruments plus the complete content of Ethno World 1 and Ethno World 2. This collection contains a huge number of ethnic instruments and sets new standards in sound quality and in the technical playing styles of ethnic instruments. Within more than 5 Gigabytes of sample material, you will find instrument sounds in a variety of playing styles, loops in different tempi,licks and an enormous selection of special effects. EthnoWorld 3 Complete ha s amazing sound quality.
Categories: Bell Type Instruments - Bowed Instruments - Gongs & Bowls - Key Instruments - Metal Type Instruments - Stringed Instruments - Woodwind & Brass - World Drums - World Percussion - Construction Sets. Marcel Barsotti is one of the most famous German film music composers. He composed the film music for Das Wunder von Bern (The Miracle of Bern) - Dolphins - Kebab Connection - Sirga the Lioness... He was nominated for for the German Television Award in 2004.
放大|29.03.2006|3.83 GB
马塞尔 ·Barsottis民族世界3完整是其中一个最大的民族图书馆和包含40新稀有民族乐器加民族世界1和民族世界2的完整内容。此集合包含了大量民族乐器和设置新的标准,在声音质量和技术的民族乐器的演奏风格。在超过5千兆字节的样品材料,你将会找到演奏风格,在不同的节奏,舔和特殊效果巨大选择循环的各种乐器的声音。EthnoWorld3完成has惊人的声音质量。
类别:钟型仪表-弯的文书-锣&碗-关键仪器-金属类型仪器-弦乐器-木管乐器&黄铜-世界鼓-世界打击乐-建设集。马塞尔 ·Barsotti是最著名的德国电影音乐作曲家之一。他为伯尔尼(伯尔尼奇迹)-海豚-烤肉串连接-Sirga母狮组成了电影音乐...他被提名为德国电视奖于2004 年。
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