
BETA CAE Systems 16.0.0新版正式发布!
BETA CAE Systems S.A公司总部位地希腊的赛萨罗尼奇市(Thessaloniki),是世界领先的软件工程公司之一,一直以来,致力于开发高性能的有限元分析前处理和后处理应用软件,在有限元前后处理软件的研究开发方面具有丰富的经验,其软件产品和技术服务始终站在世界最前沿,公司始终以为客户开发高效、实用的工程解决方案为己任,在工程技术创新方面不断获得客户的赞誉。BETA公司的主打产品ANSA的销售和技术服务遍及欧洲、美洲、大洋洲和亚洲。多年来,他们在CAE前后处理方面树立了一面旗帜,其软件产品已经被广泛应用于几乎所有的工业科技术领域。BETA公司分布在全球的专家精诚合作,利用独一无二的经验交流机制为客户创造解决方案,从而为客户极大地改进工程产品的设计水平和质量、节约了成本。ANSA产品集成了多年来公司专家解决工程实际问题中积累的经验,是高效实用的工程设计工具,它可以为客户提供更加精确和成熟的解决方案,可以完全满足客户独特的需要。ANSA在汽车、铁路、航空、国防工业、赛车、化学工业以及高等院校方面的应用更是居世界领先地位。在大量的独立公正的第三方标准测试中,ANSA被公认为是目前最快捷的有限元前处理软件,同时也是真正能处理复杂建模任务的工具。由于BETA CAE公司不断的概念创新与发展完善,使得ANSA具有方便快捷的速度、无以伦比的性能。通过不断的技术革新,ANSA已经在有限元前处理领域处于领导地位达数十年之久。
BETA CAE Systems S.A 公司将继续保持技术领先和用户需求导向的指导方针,不断发展和完善ANSA在有限元前处理技术方面的技术领先优势,为客户带来更大的价值汇报
网格与几何相关联 也就是说对CAD模型所做的修改将会反映到网格模型上, 反之亦然,这样可以大大提高网格模型创建速度,节省时间。
快速、自动的、高质量的装配体 网格划分通过CAD数据文件自动识别焊点,也可在ANSA中快速建立焊点,并对焊点处网格进行自动处理。
一级菜单系统 通过一到两次点击就能完成大部分目标操作,提高建模效率。
强大的汽车行业专用功能 假人布置,螺栓连接,油箱分析,BIW路径分析……
BETA CAE Systems 16.0.0 | 3.4 Gb
BETA CAE System S.A. announces the release of 16.0.0 of ANSA/Eπilysis/μETA pre- and post- processing suite. The new release brings BETA CAE Systems software suite to a new dimension, by providing complete solutions in the CAE field. Loyal to our commitment to deliver best-in-class software, we achieve our goal by introducing the new solver Eπilysys, as well as by providing new tools and functions per domain and per discipline.
The new 16.0.0 version of the ANSA pre- processor provides full compatibility with previous major versions. As with every major release, a broad range of new features and enhancements to existing ones add value to our solutions, reinforce overall process consistency, accelerate user performance, and provide a considerable boost on productivity.
The Eπilysis solver is the new addition to the BETA CAE Systems analysis tools family and is available with the ANSA / Eπilysis / μETA suite. Named after the Greek word for solution, it operates as a solution in the field of Finite Element Analysis embodying the accumulated knowledge from 25 years of collaboration with the CAE community. Eπilysis covers numerous solution types and intends to bridge the gap between pre- and post- processing for disciplines such as Structural, NVH, Optimization, and more.

The new version of the μETA post-processor, version 16.0.0, builds upon the tools available in previous releases, now supporting an increased array of new interfaces including Eπilysis, the in-house solver of BETA CAE Systems, as well as enhancing the multi-disciplinary tools for crash, durability, CFD and NVH.
The most important new software features and fixes are listed below.
More info: http://www.beta-cae.com/news/announcement_suite_v16.0.0

About BETA CAE Systems S.A
BETA CAE Systems S.A., headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece, is a private engineering software company specialized in the development of state of the art CAE pre- and post-processing software systems. The company, focusing on meeting and exceeding customers' requirements, is committed to its mission to be the leading force in industrial CAE software solutions.
Name: BETA CAE Systems
Version: (64bit) 16.0.0
Interface: english
OS: Windows / Linux
Size: 3.4 Gb
Special Thanks Team-SolidSQUAD
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BETA CAE Systems 16.0.0 Win/Linux
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