
好用的动画制作工具工具。GraphicsGale 是一个非常不错的动画制作工具工具!你可以用他对图片进行润饰,描绘!可以用来制作图标,动画!甚至AVI文件!是你制作动画的好帮手!支持BMP, ICO, CUR, ANI, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TGA, and AVI格式!
Easyto useanimationtools.GraphicsGaleanimationtoolsisaverygoodtool!youcanusehimtoretouchthepicturedepicts!can beused tomakeicons,animated!evenAVIfiles!isagoodhelperyouanimate!supportsBMP,ICO,CUR,ANI,JPEG,GIF,PNG,TGA,andAVIformat!
GraphicsGale 2.x | 2 MB
GraphicsGale is a software for editing raster format image. You can retouch a photo, paint a picture, and so on. Unlike most bitmap editors, GraphicsGale can make an animated image with seeing its preview. This feature must be useful for making an animated GIF or a video game character. Built-in GaleBrowser helps you to see and manage many images on your disk. Animated files are displayed in motion. Also you may convert a file format or an image format of many files quickly by Batch conversion.
Main features:
? Multiple frames for an animation
? Multiple layers with an alpha blending
? Real-time preview in editing
? Onion Skin
? Painting tools (Pen, Connect Line, Spline Curve, Rectangle, Oval, Filled Oval, Color Replacer)
? Drawing text (Bordering, Character Pitch, Antialiasing)
? Selecting tools (Rectangular Selection, Oval Selection, Lasso, Magic Wand, Selection By Color)
? Rotate, Stretch, Scroll
? Adjust Color, Grayscale, Various Effects
? Saves to file, Loads from file
? Changes the order of colors
? Makes a gradation
? Removes unused colors
? Unites duplicate colors
? Uniforms colors from multiple files
? Batch conversion
? GIF optimization
? Confirms a file size and an image quality of JPEG
? Outputs an animation as multiple files or a combined file
? Imports multiple files as one image
? Supports SusiePlugin
? Acquires an image from a TWAIN
? Prints multiple frames
? Image Browser
? Customizes shortcut keys
?获取图像从马克 · 吐温
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  • 发布时间:2014-5-20 01:23
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