摄影师如何使用Animoto制作高端幻灯片视频技术视频教程 1.62GB
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  • 发布时间:2018-2-20 23:07
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MP4视频:AVC 1280×720音频:AAC 44 kHz 2CH持续时间:2小时40m×1.62 GB
阿曼努托汇集了Vanessa Joy、Roy Ashen、Jared Platt和Kelly Brown的才华和知识。他们将分享他们对客户产生情感影响的方法,在社交媒体上脱颖而出,用Miimoto增加他们的销售。本班:
Vanessa Joy将使用幻灯片作为一个强大的销售工具,婚礼和肖像销售。她将经历3个步骤,让你开始使用Mimoto。
Roy Ashen,三勺音乐的创始人,知道如何用声音来赞美故事。他会帮助你选择合适的音乐,并唤起你的客户的情感体验。
Kelly Brown将推动创建视频教育和吸引客户的重要性。她将在社交媒体上分享幻灯片视频的能力,以及它如何帮助她的生意。
Jared Platt会告诉你使用Mimoto是多么容易。他还将展示一些隐藏的宝石,这将使你的动画作品更流畅。
今天的摄影师正在寻找有效的营销和销售解决方案,以最少的投入时间和金钱。视频是让你自己注意到的最强大的方式之一,Mito to StudiHOW越来越成为人们接触的方式。使用iMimoto,您可以将幻灯片视频上传到脸谱网、YouTube和Instagram等社交媒体平台上。你可以在销售室使用它来唤起顾客的情感联系。您还可以下载HD质量MP4文件,并将其交付给您的客户作为促销奖励或感谢礼物。
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280×720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2 Hours 40M | 1.62 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
For anyone scrolling through Facebook or Twitter, it’s hard to ignore that video is everywhere. Photographers trying to market their photos are taking advantage of this trend by making slideshow videos of their work – with no prior editing experience. Animoto Professional makes it easy to combine photos with video clips, text, and licensed music to create seamless HD slideshow videos.
Animoto brings together the talent and knowledge of Vanessa Joy, Roy Ashen, Jared Platt and Kelly Brown. They’ll share their methods for making an emotional impact on their clients, standing out on social media and increasing their sales using Animoto. In this class:
Vanessa Joy will use slideshows as a powerful sales tool for wedding and portrait sales. She will go through the 3 steps that will get you started using Animoto.
Roy Ashen, Founder of Triple Scoop Music, knows how to compliment story with sound. He’ll help you choose the right music, and evoke an emotional experience for your clients.
Kelly Brown will drive home the importance of creating videos to educate and entice your customer. She’ll speak to the power of sharing slideshow videos on social media, and how it has helped her business.
Jared Platt will show you how easy it is to use Animoto. He’ll also reveal a few hidden gems that will make your Animoto workflow even smoother.
Photographers today are looking for effective marketing and sales solutions, with minimal input of time and money. Video is one of the most powerful ways to get yourself noticed and Animoto slideshows are increasingly becoming the way to reach people. With Animoto, you can upload your slideshow videos to social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube and Instagram. You can use it in the sales room to evoke an emotional connection with your customers. You can also download the HD-quality MP4 file, and deliver this to your client as an upsell incentive or a thank you gift.
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