音效下载Heavyocity Master Sessions Ethnic Drum Ensembles Collection KONTAKT
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  • 发布时间:2016-12-19 14:51
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Heavyocity Master Sessions Ethnic Drum Ensembles Collection KONTAKT | 1.78 Gb
Master Sessions is Heavyocity’s boutique line of scoring tools for the pro composer. Recorded in New York City, the Master Sessions series focuses on specific instruments and ensembles housed in Heavyocity’s award-winning engine (powered by Kontakt). Master Sessions delivers an epic sound without the epic price! Master Sessions: Ethnic Drum Ensembles delivers 6 unique multi-sampled drum ensembles and over 375 tempo-synced loops. Each ensemble consists of up to 12 different drums, performed simultaneously by 7 players. Through creative processing and mixing, Heavyocity’s team composed banks of loops to be inspiring and immediately useful.
硕士课程是为临作曲家评分工具Heavyocity 的精品线。记录在纽约城,大师会话系列着重于具体的文书和合奏位于Heavyocity 的获奖引擎(搭载开播)。硕士课程提供了史诗般的声音,没有史诗般的价格!硕士课程︰民族鼓合奏提供6独特的多重采样鼓合奏和超过375节奏同步循环。每个乐团的达12不同的鼓,由7个玩家同时进行。通过创造性的处理和混合,Heavyocity 的团队组成银行循环鼓舞人心,立即非常有用。
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