Master Object Oriented Design In Java - Homework + Solutions
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Master Object Oriented Design in Java - Homework + SolutionsMP4 | Video: 1280x720 | 65 kbps | 44 KHz | Duration: 6 Hours | 869 MBGenre: eLearning | Language: English
Don't just learn Java! Learn to write practical industry standard object oriented software and super charge your career!
Now you can achieve an ElasticEngineers "Object Design Certification" after completing the course. You must email the instructor solutions for all assignments to be rewarded.
SUPER CHARGE OF YOUR PROGRAMMING CAREER and acquire some seriously marketable skills!
Just because you learned how to use a hammer doesn't mean you are ready to construct a building. Similarly, It's not enough to just understand a programming language. That's just a tool that can be used to develop various programs. The real craftsmanship is in software DESIGN.
This course is designed to take a junior level programmer with limited knowledge about object orientation to a competent level object oriented software designer! I expect you to understand the basics of loops, methods and conditionals in Java. You'll be completing hands-on HOMEWORK Exercises through out the course! I have provided detailed video solutions to the exercises so that you can check your answers and get step by step instructions of how to tackle the object oriented design assignments.
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