InfiniteSkills—Adobe Photoshop基础培训
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  • 发布时间:2016-7-19 00:08
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Duration 1.5h Project Files Included MP4
Title: InfiniteSkills – Automating Adobe Photoshop Training
Adobe Photoshop offers a vast array of tools to help you realize your creative vision. Andy Anderson teaches you how to streamline your workflow by automating frequently used processes so that you can get your creations out to the world faster than ever before.
Photoshop beginners and veterans alike will learn to leverage the power of scripts, shortcuts, and actions to boost their efficiency and reclaim their time and energy to put towards creativity.
*Design shortcuts and workspaces to boost efficiency
*Use actions to automate repetitive tasks
*Harness Photoshop’s built-in automation features to streamline your workflow
*Cut down time spent on tedious processes using scripts
InfiniteSkills – PS自动化操作教程 Adobe Photoshop提供了大量工具,用以帮助你认识到你的创意视野。Adny Anderson会在本教程中教你如何通过自动化常用操作,从而让你的工作流程简单,这样你可以让你的创意比以往更快地产生出来。 PS初学者或者有经验的人,都将会从脚本、快捷键以及动作中激发出他们的效率利用他们的时间和精力投入到创意中。 主要内容:设计快捷键以及工作区以激发效率;使用动作将重复的任务自动化;利用PS内建的自动化功能让你的工作流程自动化;使用脚本节省时间处理重复的工作。
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