影视后期Roto抠像跟踪合成软件SilhouetteFX Silhouette 7.0.6
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影视后期Roto抠像跟踪合成软件SilhouetteFX Silhouette 7.0.6 Win x64破解版
SilhouetteFX Silhouette 7.0.6是一款强大的手工抠像和特效软件,在后期制作中无可估量的,Silhouette继续为视觉效果行业带来最佳的工具,尤其在Roto抠像和擦除上表现卓越。新版本Silhouette 7基于完全成熟的GPU加速的节点合成系统,共142个内置节点提供使用。支持NUKE 10+的Roto导出,并且更快的非破坏性的Paint,可以利用任何跟踪数据输入节点,使用完全立体的工作流程,Silhouette的所有功能,包括其屡获殊荣的rotoscoping自动全景,景深效果,无损paint、抠像键控,蒙版遮罩,扭曲,变形,2 d-3d转换工具,立体启用。
多年来,通过大量的人力物力的投入开发,Silhouette像一个用了好油的机器。 你将以最小的努力加快速度,并拥有处理最具挑战性所需的工具。 作为视觉效果艺术家,我们了解你的挑战和时间表。 我们的目标是帮助您按时,按预算完成工作。
Silhouette 7新功能介绍: 官网pdf
Silhouette continues to bring best-of-class tools to the visual effects industry. Using an entirely stereoscopic workflow, all capabilities of Silhouette, including its award winning rotoscoping, non-destructive paint, keying, matting, warping, morphing, and 2D-3D conversion tools are stereo enabled. Developed over the years with input by those working in the trenches, Silhouette runs like a well oiled machine. You will be up to speed with minimal effort and have the tools you need to handle the most challenging of shots. As visual effects artists ourselves, we understand your challenges and timelines. Our goal is to help you get the job done right, on time and on budget.
《SilhouetteFX影视后期合成高级教程》FXPHD SIL201 Intermediate SilhouetteFX
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