The Foundry Colorway
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  • 发布时间:2016-2-25 16:29
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The Foundry Colorway 1.0v1 + Modo kit 1.0v1 + Presenter 1.0v1 WIN MACThe Foundry Colorway 1.0v2 WinMacThe Foundry Colorway Kit 1.0v1 for C4DThe Foundry COLORWAY kit for Modo 801 v1.1 v2 Win-Mac (86-64)The Foundry Colorway with plugs-ins 1.2v1 WinMacThe Foundry Colorway 1.2 v2 WinMacCOLORWAY kit for MODO 1.3v1 for 801 and 901The Foundry COLORWAY kit 1.3v2 for MODO 801 and 901 WinMacThe Foundry COLORWAY 2.0 v1The Foundry COLORWAY 2.1v2 WinMac色彩设计/着色插件,使设计变得更快捷。The Foundry Colorway有助于创造力和专注的决策过程,显著简化了重复设计工作流程,通过快速的,非破坏性的物体和光线变化带来的清晰的思路和效率。
Design changes, fast.
COLORWAY is an application that aids creativity and focuses the decision making process, recognizing that a team of people involved in making design decisions have different goals and expertise. COLORWAY significantly streamlines the iterative design workflow bringing clarity and efficiency through fast, non-destructive material and lighting changes.
COLORWAY Presenter is a free, approachable application that enables customers or colleagues to review and control 'looks' in real-time. Clients can also review and make modifications within predetermined material and lighting options.
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