概念机器人超精细绘画视频教程 Udemy Learn to draw Mechs Photoshop
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教程英文名称:Udemy Learn to draw Mechs Photoshop
教程格式:MP4 附工程源文件
教程作者:Bradley Wascher

Udemy Learn to draw Mechs Photoshop
Ever wanted to be able to create mech and robot concepts inside of Photoshop? Now you can.
You open up Photoshop and decide that you want to try and draw some mechs. You get started only to find that they’re not turning out the way you wanted, and you really wish it just looked more professional. How should I get started? What brushes should I use? All of these questions run through your head as you try to figure out why it just isn’t looking like how you imagined.
Having the ability to watch someone go through each step of the process and explain why they are doing each step would be great. It would help to eliminate some of your major questions that have been holding you back. You just want to have someone show you how to get started, and what steps should be taken to get great results.
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 14 lectures and 2.5 hours of content!
Create Mech thumbnails
Refine our thumbails and add details
Manipulate photos to add details and information
Fix lighting and edit perspective
Increase the readability and edit the contrast in our mechs
Create a studio lighting background for our Mech
Edit and iterate on our design at any time in the process
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mmbk007 发表于 2022-9-20 17:09:47 | 只看该作者
难得的好教程 十分感谢
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