  • 发布时间:2013-12-29 22:17
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本视频教程是由3D-Palace机构出品的3dsmax战甲机器人表面纹理视频教程,3D-Palace Unwrapping and Texturing Hard Surface High Poly in 3ds Max,时长:10个多小时,大小:2.79 GB,AVI高清视频格式,教程使用软件:3dsmax,作者:olblue,官方发布日期:2012年10月29日,语言:英语。
3D-Palace Unwrapping and Texturing Hard Surface High Poly in 3ds Max
The set is 23 parts plus an introduction for the standard set. I will post later about what will be in the deluxe version of the set. The parts are;
Preparation of the Arm
Unwrapping the upper Arm
Unwrapping the upper Arm 2
Introduction to ZBrush
Creating Alphas in Photoshop
Quick Detailing of the Upper Arm
Assembling the Upper Arm Texture
Application of the Rivets
Unwrapping the Upper Arm PF 1
ZBrushing the Innter Arm
Bringing the Parts into Photoshop
Unwrapping the Power Fist
Painting and Detailing the Power Fist
Assembling the Power Fist Textures
Unwrapping the Elbow Bracket
Texturing the Elbow Bracket
Unwrapping the Elbow to Fist Piston
ZBrushing the Elbow to Fist Piston
Multi Materials and the Pistons using Proc Materials
Unwrapping the Fingers
Finishing it all up
The set comes with all the PSD textures created as well as all of the Max files.
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卜飞飞 发表于 2016-4-15 16:08:52 | 只看该作者

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