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64xHDRip|MKV/AVC,~ 2946kb/s|1920 x 1080|持续时间:11:06:52|英语:AAC,317kb/s(2ch)|+ 2PDF指南|15.7GB
让你相机闪光灯关闭— —照明201拿起右手边在照明101离开因为我们将开始在所有照明、光整形和光修改在我们以前的技术都开发。在这次研讨会,我们将致力于帮助你完善任何场面与只使用单一的相机闪光灯。
综合指南照明齿轮— —随着我们进入照明201,我们将处理更多的齿轮比我们以前在照明101。这次研讨会开始,帮助你更好地理解和掌握所有不同类型的照明用具和技术。我们到中等和较高质量齿轮讨论一切问题从预算和价格低廉的齿轮。同时,我们强调,无论你使用的设备的类型,你可能最终仍然会与专业质量的结果。
我们先进的创新技术— —在这次讲习班,强调纠正灯光控制创造性光控制并向您展示如何使用你单独的相机闪光灯来得到一些有趣的新期待您的图像。照明201会教你一切从背光你的主题创造特殊效果,使用光修饰符和DIYgobos操纵光和其他技术来帮助您的图像到一个新的水平。
Learn Off Camera Flash with Lighting 201
64xHDRip | MKV/AVC, ~2946 kb/s | 1920x1080 | Duration: 11:06:52 | English: AAC, 317 kb/s (2 ch) | +2 PDF Guides | 15.7 GB
What Makes This Workshop Unique From Lighting 101?
Get the Flash Off Your Camera – Lighting 201 picks up right where Lighting 101 leaves off as we will begin to develop on all of our previous techniques in lighting, light shaping, and light modification. In this workshop, we will focus on helping you perfect any scene with only the use of a single off-camera flash.
Comprehensive Guide to Lighting Gear – As we move into Lighting 201, we will be dealing with far more gear than we previously have in Lighting 101. This workshop begins by helping you better understand and master all the different types of lighting gear and technologies. We discuss everything from budget and inexpensive gear to medium and higher quality gear. All the while, we stress that regardless of the type of equipment you use, you can still end up with professional quality results.
Advanced Creative Techniques – In this workshop, we emphasize creative light control over corrective light control and show you how to use your single off-camera flash to get interesting new looks to your images. Lighting 201 will teach you everything from backlighting your subjects for creative effect, using light modifiers and DIY gobos to manipulate light, and other techniques to help take your images to the next level.
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