
Tecplot 360 EX是一款完全的CFD/CAE可视化分析软件.。Tecplot360 EX是tecplot公司专门针对大数据而推出的tecplot360的新版本。把关键的工程绘图与先进的数据可视化的功能完美的在一套工具之内结合起来。
Tecplot 360 EX 2015 R2 v15.2.1.62273 X64 | 112.7 Mb
Quickly plot and animate your Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) results exactly the way you want. Analyze complex solutions, arrange multiple layouts, and communicate your results with professional images and animations.
Visual CFD Data Analysis
If you have a CFD simulation to analyze, we have a tool to help you do it shockingly fast: Tecplot 360 EX.
Our company pioneered the field of Visual Data Analysis (VDA) in the 1980s. For more than 30 years, we have been a leading developer of VDA software for engineers and scientists. Our flagship application, Tecplot 360, was launched in 1988, and today many consider it a best-in-class application for visualizing, plotting, animating and communicating your CFD results.
Industry-leading Speed and Memory Management
Tecplot 360 EX is the fastest desktop CFD post-processor available today. How does Tecplot 360 EX achieve its industry-leading speed for both numerical computation and graphics rendering? The answer can be found in our proprietary SZL technology. SZL, which stands for subzone load-on-demand, is our internal code-name for technology that increases memory efficiency by combining deferred data loading, exhaustive parallelization and many other code optimizations.
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Tecplot 360 EX 2015 R2 V15.2.1.62273 X64
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