
Timeless 1.4 | MacOSX | 16.3 MB
Timeless is the best and most gorgeous alarm clock and reminder app for your Mac. With its beautiful and easy to use interface, Timeless is a pleasure to use and will integrate seamlessly into your workflow, from morning till night.
* Ability to set unlimited unique alarms
* Ability to add custom titles to each alarm
* Beautiful full screen Nightstand Mode
* Choose from a wide array of alarm sounds
* Ability to add in your own custom alarm sounds
* Snooze functionality with adjustable snooze time
* Alarm volume adjustability
* Support for Fading In of alarms
* Gorgeous time-based user interface colours
* Ability to run the app via both the menu bar and the Dock
* The slickest and best Alarm clock app for your Mac
* Lightning fast and very easy to use
* Pleasant colours and a user interface that adjusts according to the time of day
* The ability to input unlimited alarms and reminder notes means you’ll never miss a beat!
* Customizable to your personal tastes
What's New in Version 1.4
- The time display will move to a random point on the screen every 20 seconds in Night Stand mode
- Command+D will disable an alarm and Command+S will open the snooze menu
- Bug fixes
Compatibility: OS X 10.7.5 or later, 64-bit processor
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Timeless 1.4 MacOSX
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-23 22:02
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