
Affinity Photo首先是一个矢量图形设计软件,然后是一个修图软件
如同Photoshop,Affinity Photo可提供许多专业级的工具应用,像是CMYK色票校正、色彩模式、ICC色彩、16bitsperchannel编辑、Frequency Separation、影像修补等功能,图像编辑与特效呈现可媲美PhotoShop;最重要的是,不仅具备了丰富的专业功能,Affinity Photo更强调其影像处理效能的速度与流畅度是PhotoShop所不能及的。
为何Affinity Photo敢如此大胆地向PhotoShop挑战与呛声呢?正所谓“年轻就是本钱”,Serif公司指出Affinity Photo是特别为了最新的电脑技术而开发的软体,不像PhotoShop是建构于25年前的电脑技术,因此Affinity Photo更能符合当代技术需求、且能发挥更高的效能。
Affinity Photo是不是有这么神?有没有可能取代PhotoShop?那得要亲身试试才知道!在Affinity Photo正式发表前,Serif公司先释出免费的公开测试Beta版让大众来试用,希望透过更多玩家们的使用心得与意见回馈,让他们的软体能愈益接近完美、满足玩家们的需求。
Affinity Photo 1.x Multilingual | MacOSX | 173 MB
5 years in the making, Affinity Photo redefines the boundaries for professional photo editing software for the Mac. With a meticulous focus on workflow it offers sophisticated tools for enhancing, editing and retouching your images in an incredibly intuitive interface with all the power and performance you need.
Engineered for Professionals
? Open, edit and save Photoshop? PSD files
? RGB, CMYK, Greyscale and LAB colour spaces
? End-to-end CMYK workflow with ICC colour management
? Full 16-bit per channel editing
? Work with all standard formats like PNG, TIFF, JPG, GIF, SVG, EPS and PDF
? Panning and zooming is always live at 60fps with live previews, live tools and real-time editing
? Open and edit massive images without compromising performance or running out of memory
Unsurpassed productivity
? Full support for unlimited layers, layer groups, adjustment layers, filter layers and masks
? Resize layers without any loss of quality. Lock, hide, duplicate and merge layers easily
? Edit live filters, adjustments, effects, blend modes and masks non-destructively
? Undo history can be saved with the document so you can always undo your changes
? Task-focused workspaces for developing, post-processing, liquify and export
? Work in windowed, full screen, or separated modes with fully customisable toolbars and drag and drop panels
? Comprehensive vector drawing and text editing tools
? Advanced snapping system with pixel perfect alignment when required
? Export @1x, @2x, @3x from layers, slices or whole documents – continuously as you work!
Professional image processing
? Open RAW and other images in a dedicated pre-processing workspace
? Adjust exposure, blackpoint, clarity, vibrance, white balance, shadows, highlights and much more
? Recover detail thought to be lost by editing in an unbounded linear color space
? Advanced lens corrections including chromatic aberration, defringe, vignette and best-in-class noise reduction
? Paint areas or use fully customisable gradients to mask adjustments
? View histograms, blown highlights, shadows and tones as well as detailed EXIF information
Quality retouching and correction tools
? Intuitive selection brush and refinement makes selections simple, even down to strands of hair
? Instantly remove unwanted objects with an incredibly advanced Inpainting brush
? Dodge, burn, clone, patch, blemish and red eye tools
? Smooth and retouch skin with built-in frequency separation
? Apply high quality single-plane and dual-plane perspective correction as well as fully customisable mesh warps - all in real time
? Dedicated Liquify persona gives freehand control over warps, twirls, pinch, punch and turbulence
Advanced brush engine
? Huge library of painting, drawing, textures and professional DAUB brushes included
? Create custom brushes and nozzles with full control over advanced dynamics
? Full support for Wacom and other graphics tablets, including pressure, tilt and shortcut buttons
? Real-time preview of your nozzle – see what you are about to paint or erase before you do it
Fast, customisable effects
? Massive collection of effects available, including blurs, distortions, tilt-shift, shadows, glows, lighting and many more
? Customise all aspects with precise controls, seeing a real-time preview of the end result before you apply
? Swipe-able split or mirrored screen always available for before and after views
? Choose to apply effects non-destructively with live effect layers, enabling you to erase away or mask effects after they have been applied
Built for Mac
? Takes full advantage of the latest OS X technologies including OpenGL, Grand Central Dispatch and Core Graphics
? Use the Force Touch trackpad to paint with pressure sensitivity
? Fully optimised for 64-bit and multi-core processors
? Supports regular, retina and multi-monitor set ups – including the latest 5k iMac
? iCloud Drive support

Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Language: English, French, German, Spanish
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Affinity Photo 1.4.1 Multilingual MacOSX
  • 百度链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjTSJs5
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  • 发布时间:2016-4-23 13:48
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