Houdini高级粒子特效技术教学视频教程 5.3GB
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  • 发布时间:2018-2-26 01:00
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应用胡迪尼粒子II -速度场将教你一切你需要知道,使惊人的粒子效应与速度场!我们将在这一过程中产生两种不同的效果,一种是基于动态的Pyro SIM,另一种是使用卷曲噪声来清洗表面周围的颗粒。在模拟之后,我们将进一步利用阴影,整形,并根据SIMS自身的数据对其进行照明。你将很快成为专业外观先进的粒子模拟机!
应用胡迪尼是一个生产质量为导向的系列由Steven Knipping(Vimeo.com / 161576184),目前是一个高级刚体毁灭/ FX技术总监卢卡斯电影公司的工业光和魔术(星球大战:最后的绝地,流氓:星球大战故事,星球大战:力唤醒)受益于生产证明的工作流程,同时也能深入地解释为什么事情按他们的方式运作。最棒的是,每一个视频都塞满了真实的信息和脚注,而不是无谓的谈话和死亡空间!
Applied Houdini Particles II – Velocity Fields will teach you everything you need to know to make stunning particle effects with velocity fields! We will create two different effects in this course, one based off of a dynamic Pyro sim, and one using curl noise to wash particles around a surface. After simulating, we’ll take our particles even farther by shading, shaping, and lighting them based on data derived from the sims themselves. You’ll be making professional looking advanced particle sims in no time!
Applied Houdini is a production quality oriented series created by Steven Knipping(vimeo.com/161576184), currently a Senior Rigid Body Destruction / FX Technical Director at Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic (Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars: The Force Awakens). Benefit from production proven workflows while also getting an in depth explanation of why things works they way they do. Best of all – each video is crammed with actual information and footnotes instead of gratuitous talking and dead space!
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