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MP4 |视频:H264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,48千赫,2 CH |持续时间:2h 59m | 3.1 GB
你当然不想为硬件预算膨胀负责。你能想象你必须向你的团队解释,256 GB的内存不足以在生产服务器上运行你的吗?
在一系列简短的演讲中,我将详细地看一下垃圾收集过程。我会给你所有的内存分配的问题,你可以指望的时候写的C #,像意外的拳击,字符串复制,集合大小,和更多。我会教你快速而简单的策略来解决这些问题。
如果你是初学者或中级C #开发者和想提升你的技能学习这门课程。垃圾收集和内存管理可能听起来很复杂,但是我所有的讲座都很容易理解,我用清晰的和许多有启发性的图表来解释所有的主题。你跟着就没问题了。
也许你工作在C #项目的关键部分,并需要确保你的内存使用的是尽可能高效?这门课的技巧和技巧将极大地帮助你。
也许你正在准备C #相关的面试吗?这门课将给你一个极好的基础来回答他们可能向你提出的任何问题。
Modern computers have loads of memory. But it’s very easy to burn through it all in seconds if your code is not efficient about allocating and using memory.
Did you know that one simple mistake can make your code allocate 1600 times more memory than absolutely necessary?
Don’t be ‘that developer’ who keeps crashing the development server with an OutOfMemory exception!
And you certainly don’t want to be responsible for inflating the hardware budget. Can you imagine having to explain to your team that 256 GB of memory is not enough to run your code on the production server?
Let me help you.
It doesn’t have to be like this. If you have a good understanding of the garbage collection process and follow a few simple best practices, you can dramatically reduce the memory footprint of your code.
Sound good?
In the last 10 years I have learned the secrets of garbage collection in .NET, and in this course I am going to share them all with you.
In a series of short lectures I will take a detailed look at the garbage collection process. I will show you all of the memory allocation problems you can expect when writing C# code, like unexpected boxing, string duplication, collection resizing, and more. I’ll teach you quick and easy strategies to resolve these problems.
By the end of this course you will be able to master the garbage collector.
Why should you take this course?
You should take this course if you are a beginner or intermediate C# developer and want to take your skills to the next level. Garbage collection and memory management might sound complicated, but all of my lectures are very easy to follow and I explain all topics with clear code and many instructive diagrams. You’ll have no trouble following along.
Or maybe you’re working on a critical section of code in a C# project, and need to make sure your memory usage is as efficient as possible? The tips and tricks in this course will help you immensely.
Or maybe you’re preparing for a C# related job interview? This course will give you an excellent foundation to answer any questions they might throw at you.
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laotang1984 发表于 2019-2-8 10:52:50 | 只看该作者
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